Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Discover How Vertical Hydroponics Offers Many Advantages To The Grower

By Ida Dorsey

City-dwellers who enjoy being able to grow their own fruits and vegetables may find that the small size of many yards today is very limiting. One way to be able to garden free of mess and stress in a way that consumes less space is vertical hydroponics. This flexible growing technique uses less water than regular gardening and can be done outdoors or indoors.

One of the main differences between hydroponic growing and traditional gardening is that soil is not needed. Instead plants grow in a water-based solution of nutrients or another substrate such as gravel. This permits year-round cultivation with no need for crop rotation and it is free of destructive pests. Space is efficiently utilized as plants are stacked in vertical columns and nutrient levels are carefully managed by the grower.

Most plants that can be grown in soil, can also be grown hydroponically. The grower is totally responsible for providing the plants with the nutrients they need to grow and does not have to depend on nature as they must with traditional gardening. It takes less money and work to grow in this way, and often produces a better quality crop.

It can also save one's back, because there is no need for usual gardening tasks of weeding, mulching, tilling, and fertilizing with this growing technique. Nor does one have to be concerned about flooding or drought, since the level of water is fully controllable. Relying on proper ground and weather conditions is also non-applicable with hydroponics, and the use of specially designed grow lights allows for day and night growing throughout the year.

If the soil in the area is poor in quality, this is an ideal alternative for those who wish to grow their own produce. It is easier to grow produce organically using this approach too since there is no need to use pesticides or weed killers. Hydroponically grown plants take the essential substances including hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon from the air which they need for growth.

Plants grown in soil have less consistent delivery of nutrients than those which are grown using hydroponics. The guaranteed balance of nutrients in the right proportions ensures optimal quality of crops and it also tends to produce a higher yield as well. Money is saved by growers who don't require maintenance chemicals and the plants can grow without the threat of being denied sunlight or nutrition do to destructive weeds and pests.

The overall water consumption is much less with a hydroponic garden than a soil garden which requires regular irrigation. Root systems are constantly suspended in liquid in most cases, which prevents the need to use more of this valuable resource. Further conservative measures can be implemented by the use of an automatically timed fertilization system.

The quality of hydroponically grown produce is generally higher because the plants are able to conserve energy that would normally have to be spent to ensure uptake of minerals and water through their roots. Produce also ripens more quickly and possesses better health value and a better taste when it has been grown using hydroponics.

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