Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Grow Kit For Kids

By Olive Pate

You love gardening and want to pass on this interest to your children. One way to get young children started in this very fulfilling hobby is to buy them a grow kit for kids. These prepackaged all-in-one gardening supplies will intrigue and delight them as they learn how to plant and care for their very own plants.

These boxes will provide all that is needed to begin the exciting process. Seeds, soil, and pots are all that is necessary to begin. Have the children follow the directions as to how deep to plant the small seeds, when to plant them, how much water they will need, and how long it will take for them to achieve their full growth.

Youngsters will be exposed first-hand to what it takes to garden on a very small scale. It will also teach them about the consistency and care needed to bring their plants to fruition. They will be watching them daily to see if they have sprouted out of the soil, and then they will eagerly monitor the seedlings for days on end.

Excellent plants to begin with would include vegetables. The youngsters will be much more like to consume them if they have had a hand in growing them. Some great vegetables to start them out with could include radishes, peas, cherry tomatoes, or carrots.

There are not many fruits that will thrive in a small pot, but strawberries may be an excellent option. These packages can also be starter options for small citrus trees such as lemons, limes, tangerines, and oranges. If you live in a warm climate, planting the small trees in the yard can be a real treat for many youngsters. The real thrill will be when they pull the first fruit from the trees that they grew by themselves.

You can also teach them all about herbs and improve their culinary knowledge. Some great choices include basil, rosemary, dill, mint, oregano, peppermint, and thyme. As the young ones help you with family meals, they will learn a lot about adding flavor to foods through the use of the herbs that they plant and nurture. Again, they will be much more likely to eat these food if they have had a hand in seasoning them.

Last but not least, they can plant flowers. These may include small marigolds, dwarf zinnias, daisies, or any other type of fresh bloom. The children can re-pot them into larger pots and watch them continue to thrive either inside or outside. They can even give them away to a grandparent or a shut-in as gifts when the plants just begin to bloom.

Starting small will help encourage the little ones to take even more of an interest in the world of gardening. The next season, they can try their hand at larger container gardening and plant more challenging vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. If you have the backyard space available, till the ground so they can have an in-ground area to plant, weed, fertilize, and harvest their favorites.

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