Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What To Look For In An Executive Coach

By Edna Booker

There are so many professional coaches available that you may become overwhelmed when you have to choose one. That is, especially if it is your first time to look for an executive coach. Here are some handy tips that will help you narrow down your choices and select the right person.

Find out more about the individual you are interested in. This includes their life and academic background and work experience. This will help you know if the person will be able to identify with you and give you the guidance that you need. If possible, try and find someone who is in the same industry you are in. In addition, ask them how long they have been coaching and what made them decide to mentor others.

It is important to have a good rapport with your mentor. This is the only way you will be able to share with them freely and approach them when you need advice. You do not necessarily have to be close friends with the person you choose, but it is important that you have a respectful and trusting relationship.

The mentor should be an empathetic speaker. They should give you ample time to talk while they listen keenly. Avoid someone who keeps on interrupting you or does not take time to try and understand what you are saying. This can end up being quite frustrating for you. Moreover, your mentor should be discreet and not share with other people any personal information you disclose to them.

Decide how long you will need a mentor and find someone who is available for that time period. You should be able to meet from time to time. If face to face meetings are not possible, you can organize other convenient ways of communicating with each other.

It may be necessary for your mentor to submit a report of how you are fairing on to your boss. This requires that the mentor have a method of evaluating you. There are some tools which they can employ to enable them assess you better. However, the main way they should assess you is through their interaction with you.

The person should be confident. They should be self aware and able to articulate themselves well. These are some essential qualities that will enable them to challenge and motivate you to go beyond your limits. You do not just want someone who will only give you safe answers but someone who will cause you to think out of the box.

Even though there is no certification for this line of work, try and find someone who has at least undertaken some kind of formal training program as a mentor. This will assure you that they have a good idea on how to go about the whole mentoring situation. Check if they have been successfully able to mentor other people.

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