Saturday, September 26, 2015

Tips On How To Plant And Grow Asparagus

By Della Monroe

There are people who loves to plant in their backyards and to harvest their own fruits and vegetables. They usually have it because they want to make sure that the food they eat is safe, less expenses and some of us just really loves to plant. Aside from the fact that it beautify our homes, it actually creates a soothing and relaxing vibe, and it help us connect with nature.

We are into planting more organic food because we want to boost our body nutrients and we are conscious to our health as well. One of the best vegetable that we can possibly plant is the asparagus, because it provides a lot of healthy benefits. It is easy on how to plant and grow asparagus in your place by yourself.

Asparagus is known vegetable as a type similar to onions and garlic. The buds become harder when blooms so the shoots instead are the part commonly eaten by people. It is a good appetizer and side dish but there are still several ways that you can eat it and it varies to the tradition or country you are into.

It takes about 2 to 3 years for them to produce and be harvested but it can be useful about 20 to 30 years. You can plant it during spring season because of its climate and the soil is perfect for planting as well. Create a layer of 2 to 4 inches into any kind of soil which is good for planting and clear their beds from weeds.

Create a trench of about 6 inches and 6 to 12 inches deep and make sure that it has a good drainage. Make a mound within the trench and plant the crowns and spread them over the ridge of about 15 to 18 inches apart. Cover it with soil 2 inches deep and water them thoroughly.

Have a the stem exposed for about 3 to 4 inches when it starts to grow and fill the trench again with soil. Add a layer of mulch of 4 to 8 inch layer once you have filled it and water them everyday. Try trimming down its dead foliage instead of harvesting it in a year.

For the following years, you can harvest them when you noticed that they become more establish and vegetative and the spear is thicker than a pencil. They can be harvested for several weeks once the spears starts to show. After the harvest, allow them to grow again and replenish their nutrients for the next production.

There are two of this type, the white asparagus which are the kind that can grow even with the absence of sunlight and that prevents the chlorophyll from developing. They are sweeter, but it has less fiber. We have this Purple asparagus where it was planted as purple but it turns into green when cooked, and they are thicker but less spears.

They provide a lot of nutritional effects in our body that can help fight cancer because it replenishes tarnish cells. Helps cure urine problem because of its amount of amino acid. So in preparing it, just make sure that you are maintaining its nutrients.

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