Friday, January 22, 2016

Properly Using Theatrical Makeup Supplies

By Nancy Stevens

Make up will forever be in your life for as long as you are an actor. So, simply get better in shaping those brows and outlining those lips. With these skills, your lines will find its way to the hearts of the audience. So, make use of all the information in this article and find the time to apply them with the minimal number of mistakes.

Make sure that every part of your face has the same amount of foundation. Theatrical makeup supplies would only bring out the best in you if you have already mastered the art of applying them. Thus, do rounds of practice at home and have someone judge your overall work. Be open to criticism.

You do not have to worry about sweating on your make up. Most brands have waterproof objects which you can use. Also, this is actually part of the show. When the audience see that one is sweating, it makes everything look more realistic and they would listen more carefully to your lines given the effort written all over your face.

Modify your face to impress the people whom you are working. The audience can no longer see every color in your features. What is important to them is that you do not look pale and there is no discoloration in your neck line. Once you become successful with that, you only have to work on getting the approval of your co actors.

Do not be too confused with all the items to choose from that you will already forget the lines which you need to deliver. Let it settle naturally especially when you have been successful in finding the items which are compatible with your skin. Just be sure that everything is in the right place and take care of any smudges as soon as possible.

Treat lipsticks as your best friends from now on. Their brand is not that important. What is essential is that they can stay on your lips for several hours without retouch. This will allow you a smooth motion in your wardrobe changes and be in the position where you are needed to be. Theater is not a place for slow people.

Details in your face are not that important if you know that you are already a great actor. If you have been assigned to an old woman, you will have to concentrate on acting out on that disoriented posture. You will also have to make some changes to your voice for everything to be convincing.

Have perfection in your make up as much as possible. It may not be seen by a lot of people but you still have to feel good about yourself. This would prevent you from being self conscious while you are already on stage. Go ahead and make everyone assume that you have been in theater all your life.

Do not forget about the mascara and eyeliner. This can help bring out the emotions in your face. This is important when you are in a very intense scene with your partner. In theater, you have to make use of everything you have.

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