Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Merits Of Computer Dual Viewers

By Kathleen Adams

Many computer users in various settings usually complain a lot when it comes to visual display. Employees often complain citing reasons that their monitors keep on shrinking hence it becomes a nightmare to navigate in between programs. Plenty of time is spent of doing other things apart from the actual work. As a result they consider using bigger monitors. On the contrary, they fail to realize that the perfect alternative will be a computer comprised of dual viewers.

The first advantage of using a dual viewer monitor is that the rate of productivity increases. This can be attributed to the fact that it often leads to multitasking. Two or even more applications can be in full display simultaneously. By so doing, the user gets to have an opportunity to have many applications opened at the same time hence more productivity on their part.

Nevertheless, cutting and pasting becomes a lot easier when using two monitors. This is because there is absence of a tab in between that will often result in scrolling up and down relentlessly. With dual monitors, users who often create power point presentations and newsletters are given an ample time to do their thing with this new technological development.

Making references also becomes a lot easier. In many instances, critical information is subjected to vanishing when an individual is using only one monitor. Utilization of multiple monitors enables the user to safeguard it in another monitor. The original window can be used for dealing with the actual work. A particular screen may have a file with specific regulations whereas another one may be used to generate the report.

Using multiple monitors is also another simple endeavor. Basically, majority of individuals can have the ability to utilize them whether they are computer literate or not. In as much as most of them usually come with most modern computers, one can also have a technician to configure the monitors. Once configured, it is quite simple to operate. This is because most settings for dual monitors are usually located with the same controls as the individual monitor.

The other advantage involves video conferencing. The individual monitor may be utilized for conferencing as the other one is meant for accessing relevant information. When using only one screen, it is quite impossible to tackle the two at the same time. Most designers have hailed the use of two monitors since it enables them to actively provide relevant information such as designs to their clients. Clients can take a look and decide whether to select them or not.

Even though the use of dual view monitors has quite a number of benefits, they also have their own share of demerits. A perfect example is spontaneous distractions. The messages from social media sites and mails can hinder an employee from working on very important stuff. Guys are thereby cautioned to be highly resistant to such distractions in order to fully embark on work duties.

There is also lack of desk space. In instances where the desk space is limited, addition of extra monitors will easily act as a hindrance to efficiency. It becomes a primary concern especially when using multiple monitors of the past. The advent of technology has seen to introduction of flat panel and LCD monitors which do not take up much space. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the amount of desk space before introducing dual view monitors.

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