Monday, November 21, 2016

What Are Flavonoids And Why Should You Care?

By Kathleen Hall

There seem to be hundreds of exercise and diet experts who have very strong opinions about what you should do to shed those extra pounds and turn yourself into the person you were meant to be. A lot of them appear to be capitalizing on the cravings many people have for a quick fix. If you go on a liquid diet, or a meat only one, you will see miraculous results for instance. Most people know an extreme diet or an expensive milkshake regimen is not the solution. There is a reason your mother and grandmother told you repeatedly to eat your fruits and vegetables, and one of those reasons is flavonoids.

They may not have known the word, but they were on the right track. Today we know a lot more about nutrition and how and why certain foods are good us. In many ways, we have come full circle back to what seemed obvious to previous generations. Plant foods are good for you because they are chock full of nutrients. Liquids such as green tea are loaded with them too. Animal products however, are not a very effective source of them.

Most of us know we should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day if we want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We also know that for the last several years nutritionists have emphasized the importance of concentrating on richly colored plants. They will tell you the brighter the color of the fruit or vegetable, the better it is for you. That color comes from the nutrient found in them.

A lot of informed shoppers know these plant foods are high in antioxidants which are good for you, but many don't know exactly why. There are oxidants in everyone's body, but when too much is produced they can change molecules. When this happens you end up with free radicals. These nutrients help to reduce the production of these trouble makers.

Keeping the blood vessels in the heart free of clogs is very important. These nutrients help with that as well. They seem to promote the good cholesterol we need. Certain herbs contain the nutrients such as rosemary, oregano, and garlic. Adding these herbs to a diet that includes meat can be very beneficial.

Another benefit to your heart, as well as the rest of your body, is the anti inflammatory aspect. It may seem obvious that inflammation is not a good thing. When it occurs in a wound or causes some kind skin rash, you can actually see what damage it can do. It will do the same kind of damage inside your body unless you do something to keep it in check.

There are differing opinions when it comes to how much influence these nutrients have on cancer cells. Some believe their natural anti inflammatory properties and antioxidant production may prevent cells from becoming cancerous. Scientists are still researching and discussing these possibilities.

Eating plenty of vegetables and fruit every day may not be as exotic a diet regimen as some others, but it is a tried and true method of optimizing health. Becoming informed about the foods you eat and why that they are good for you is very important.

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