Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Significance Of Enrolling Into Circle Of Change For Veterans

By Nancy Martin

Post-traumatic stress disorders pose a high risk to veterans and the general public as well. The adverse medical condition is often the first stage paving the way forward to a plethora of other debilitating scenarios. The number of suicides and homicides resulting from PTSD is the number one concern on the minds of many doctors and researchers. Private organizations like the circle of change have also come onboard to try and offer their assistance to the Patriots.

To a large extent, this team relies on the pledges and the charitable donations from people who are touched by the state of their selfless patriots. The patriots who gave up their normal lives to go out there to distant lands with the hope of making a difference in another part of the world, for the common good of humanity. The well-wishers volunteer their time and give out their resources as a way of saying thank you for their services.

The behavioral experts working at the centers are trained on how to identify the tell-tale signals of PTSD. The signs and symptoms vary widely from one individual to the next. The universal symptoms, however, are a lack of self-esteem and confidence, the person is unable to take care of themselves, they experience nightmares, they have memory lapses, and they have a tendency of bursting into an uncontrollable rage.

Without the timely intervention of the experts who work at this centers, the Veterans will most probably never get transitioned back into civilian life. The individuals will have a problem of holding down a job for an extended duration, and they also tend to suffer from all sorts of relationship upheavals which keeps them from leading quality lives.

The soldiers get tasked with rehabilitating a troubled dog. To do so, they first have to undergo an extensive professional training on how to relate with and deal with the four-legged human companions. The joy and satisfaction which comes with seeing a troubled animal get progressively better works wonders for their brains. In due time, the veterans begin espousing signs of being in the now. On the flipside, the trained soldiers can now make a living out of their newly learned skills.

Typically, the courses last for up to thirteen weeks. The course is broken down into two-hour weekly sessions wherein the students progressively learn how to tame the troubled dogs. The bonds and the connections with not just the dogs but with the other attendants as well is excellent when it comes to turning around the lives of the veterans for the better. It is also a useful income-generating skill they could use to make some money.

Thanks to their sincere efforts, the establishment has gone ahead and transformed the lives of hundreds of ill veterans. These individuals who were once unable to get a job can now do so easily. Their relationships also experience a complete turnaround, and this is indeed baby steps in the right direction.

To make the transition a complete success; the non-profit organization works hand in hand with other community partners. The volunteers are either people who have had someone in their lives who has PTSD or just generous souls interested in the well-being of the veterans. To get in touch with them, just stop by their official website and drop them a line with your question.

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