Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Very Best Top Toys For Boys

By Rebecca Adams

The world is filled with males of all ages and so many of them are very curious about new gadgets and products which are currently sold on the market. The top toys for boys were created by some of the best toy industries around the globe. Luckily human beings can find great older products for a fair amount of money.

During the 70's and early 80's everyone around knew about the remarkable superhero statues which were made by a company named Mego. Mego tried their best to keep up with the latest standards of doll making and this was really great. No other statue around resembled the truly awesome character known as Superman. This little fellow had nice removable clothing and he even had red boots.

They also made items from various television shows which had a huge following back in those particular times. These small dolls were dressed in cloth costumes and they had the ability to bend their knees and arms which was really wonderful. Mego started off this toy line by creating characters such as Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Robin and Spiderman.

Each item proved to be very popular for young men from the ages of eight years old and up. The products from Mego were very unique since they set a new style during the 1970's. No other toy company had dared to make statues of the good and bad characters from the comic book industry. Even in today's society people are still fascinated by these small dolls which represent the entire super hero universe.

Mego would have survived much longer if they would have taken the offer to create "Star Wars" products once this great movie came to America. After viewing the film many males wanted a Hans Solo or Luke Skywalker figure to place on their table at home. Instead Mego went after "The Black Hole" license and this was a big mistake on their behalf. These items eventually ended up within the discount bin at every retail store.

Fortunately Kenner was able to gain large amounts of cash after making a deal with the producers of "Star Wars." The actors from the film had their likeness placed upon the twelve inch statues which would be purchased by shoppers who visited their local hobby stores. This great twist of fate helped Kenner to remain successful for a few good years before they were sold to another company.

Radio Shack was another great company which managed to sell great items to males of all ages. They were good at retailing electronic items which could amuse someone for hours. Their remote control cars and trucks became very popular during the past twenty odd years.

The military has also come out with special gliders and other airplanes which are usually sold at aircraft shows which happen at certain locations. At Fort Benning Georgia the staff is always willing to put on an action show which will feature these flying products before the actual show begins.

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