Monday, May 1, 2017

Intuitive Readings Victoria BC - What Are They And Why You May Need One

By Frances Ross

An intuitive reading provides information about who you are as a spirit and your path in this lifetime. Readings are best for those who want to gain greater spiritual insight into the issues they are facing, or if feeling challenged to access answers that are emotionally based. In reading an individual, they are helped to look inward guiding them gently while opening doorways and helping interpret what's is found behind those doors. Intuitive Readings Victoria BC can be very enlightening experiences. Clients are surprised at the accuracy of the information they receive, and the outcomes of exploring this information.

There are many levels on which a psychic can help your business. Firstly, psychics can do a reading for you to determine if the current line of business you're in aligns with your true self. There is no sense working hard towards making a business work, when it's not in alignment with who you truly are and what you truly want. This type of situation happens very often, such as in the case when people take over an existing business from their parents or just happen to fall into a line of business they didn't really intend to end up in long term.

They explore how and when this pattern started and why it remains a pattern throughout their life. This pattern may look a bit different each time so clients don't always recognize it for what is truly is. It's a journey of looking inward with my guidance and knowledge to help support a person gently, thus the work can be done without feeling alone or afraid.

Sometimes the nature of your business isn't a problem, but rather it's a problem of not being aligned with financial abundance. This is especially true for "light workers". Many light workers carry energy of financial lack - often times purely based on limiting beliefs learned in this lifetime, but sometimes based on poverty vows made in previous lifetimes.

Validation -I always know I've given a great psychic reading when my client says, "I knew that." Yes. The answers lie within. A good psychic reader will show you possibilities, but she will also affirm your gut instincts-ones that perhaps you have chosen to ignore. Entrepreneurs are visionaries, but they sometimes resist jumping ahead. A reading will give you that needed a nudge into success. In addition, the reading gives you greater confidence, affirming your own intuition for your business's success.

Healing takes many forms and readings are just one of the tools that can facilitate healing allowing one to move into a healthier life. When beginning the journey of letting go of emotional patterns that keep us trapped, find most clients fear letting go as they have become accustomed to these patterns and how they feel.

Fear increases when we walk into the unknown and let go of patterns that no longer serve us. When we take a leap of faith, it can feel like chaos. Like cleaning the closet in the back bedroom that's full of everything you've collected in life. When pulling everything out it can look worse before it gets better. However, relief is found when all the old stuff has been put in order or given away leaving us with room to grow.

As the business world becomes more complex and it becomes increasingly difficult to make decisions purely on logic and facts, more and more people will rely on "intuition" as a way to make business decisions. Utilizing the services of a psychic to do a reading related to your business can help you verify your own intuitive gut feelings about upcoming business decisions, and to help you make partnership, client or even hiring decisions.

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