Monday, June 26, 2017

What To Do To Become Poets Of Resistance

By Kevin Reed

There is so much power that is contained in words. People in the art world are the voices who can pass on the message to the government. It is the art that highlights all the wrong things happening in the world. Poets of resistance are a representation of the injustices happening and trying calling for change. It is something that comes naturally to most people.

Writing these words is simple considering the fact that one finds the right words to state what is happening. One thing you have to put into consideration is how to capture the feelings of the affected people. They need to feel like they belong and relate with the art once they read or hear it. They need to connect with the writer and words do it perfectly well.

What your readers want to see is creativity and if you use the usual words people will not complete reading it. The message you want to pass needs to show that you want to see change. Show the people that you are with them so that you can fight together. If you want them to understand the deeper meaning of your work be creative.

As you try to pass the message paint the picture in their mind. Since these are things happening around them the similes will work pretty well. You can use rhyming words to make your work memorable. Being a writer means you try engaging every person you come across but the bottom line is to ensure the quality of your work remains and show them how you can solve some of these issues.

Being a writer means that crazy ideas come to you every time you hear something. The fact that you are writing about issues that affect people on daily basis means that stories will change. If there is something that needs to be added you have to keep it for days before doing the corrections. That way important details cannot be missed.

In as much as people are looking for creativity sometimes getting all the content from your head can be challenging. Other writers have written on the same. They have talked about all the wrong things happening in their country and are looking forward to airing their grievances. Use their work to give a way forward and you can actually sample from that work.

Get someone to critic your work. They should tell you if you have fully stretched the truth or if there are things that you have sugarcoated. The point is to tell the truth at all cost so if you can go through each stanza with them you will figure out the parts that might not be working. Let it talk to all people no matter their stand when it comes to the issues you are highlighting.

A natural born writer knows how to make words move your heart. The form of art has been used in protests like in Black Lives Matter and Manchester bombings trying to highlight the things that have been so much ignored in the society. When these words are used correctly they bring the change that people are dying to see and that unheard voices can be listened to.

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