Thursday, October 26, 2017

When Does Someone Need Alcohol Assessment Minneapolis MN?

By Kenneth Harris

In many cases, the life of an addict has been completely turned upside down as a result of their addiction, which does not make entering rehab any easier. When you enter rehab, there's a pretty good chance that you have a lot of very stressful things on your mind. In addition to that, many people don't want to be in rehab and would rather be at home or on the streets using drugs or alcohol. However, how to do you tell that one needs an alcohol assessment Minneapolis MN? Read along for insights on signs of possible alcohol abuse at the workplace.

Addiction is a disease that impacts the brain and makes it nearly impossible for addicts to stop using drugs on their own. There are millions of recovering addicts who have proven that drug addiction can be treated successfully. A substance abuse assessment is the first step to shaking drug addiction and living a clean and fulfilling life.

The biological questions to engage yourself include; are you experiencing skin issues as a result of drinking or drug use? Have you lost/gained a large amount of weight due to drinking or drug use? Does your family have a history of drinking or drug abuse problems? Have you ever been hospitalized due to drinking or drug use? Have you been told by a doctor that you need to stop drinking or using drugs, because it is negatively impacting your health?

Psychological Factors of Addiction; Many drug and alcohol treatment professionals believe that psychology is the most powerful aspect of addiction. Psychological aspects of addiction include how you feel and the thoughts you have about your drug and alcohol use. To determine the need for drug and alcohol treatment, there are five psychological questions to consider.

A drug abuse assessment typically involves a few different steps and can take up to three days. One aspect of the test is done by a mental health specialist who will ask you a series of questions to get to know you and better understand the causes of your substance abuse.

No matter how much anxiety or reluctance you may have about entering rehab, you should keep in mind that it can be a very wonderful experience. In many cases, sobriety is the greatest experience of many people's lives. Getting sober and embracing your life is very empowering and leads many people to attain their life's dreams and aspirations.

Make sure your organization can offer a substance abuse assessment option so that the employee or co-worker who you suspect of having a drug problem has the potential to get treatment. Never accuse someone of having a substance abuse problem even if there's overwhelming evidence to support it because this can be considered harassment. As a manager or co-worker, all you can do is be able to recognize the signs of substance abuse and offer compassion and help.

This substance abuse assessment is a tool that has been designed for people dealing with drug and alcohol to determine whether or not they should seek treatment for their problem. If you answered "yes" to more than one of these questions, then you may need cutting back on your drinking and seek professional treatment. Note that nothing in recovery, acceptance and problem acknowledgement goes a long way. Understanding your level of addiction will help you manage your condition.

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