Saturday, September 15, 2018

When Failure To Launch Anxiety Victim Refuses To Get Help

By Martha Patterson

There are persons who are adults by size and age but still refuse to act the part. These Failure to Launch Anxiety victims are sometimes not even aware of their situation. Parents and their guardians are left in a dilemma on what to do. Here are excellent tips on how to deal with when they fail to take help yet are doing nothing with their lives.

Work on your situation before turning to your son. Children take cues from their parents. If parents live an orderly life, they will be compelled to also put theirs in order. Parents with untidy houses cannot convince their sons to tidy their own. Focus on your mental health and social skills in order to instill the same on your children. It is chaotic to have more than one person with a mental health issue in the house.

Appreciate that these are young adults and not yet full adults. Most parents deal with such issues in their 40s and 50s. Unconsciously, you could be expecting your son to act your age. Allow him to be a child but monitor his progress or growth. This is a transition phase where you should be more interested in progress than accomplished behaviors.

Talk to your child and try to understand his situation. Most children might not be in a hurry because they can still eat and sleep. They are not even conscious of their delayed milestones or being left behind by peers. By talking to them, you understand their approach and dilemma. You can help them overcome the challenges they are facing and create a better life.

Stop being too accommodating. Parents will always be parents. They take care of their children in all circumstances. However, this has been cited as one of the problems. Realize that your son with a beard is now an adult. Demand that he behaves like one without any excuse. Stop tracking his appointments with the doctor or cleaning his room. Such accommodating only delays his departure from your nest.

Be gradual in your approach. There are many issues that FTL persons have. They lack motivation, are less tolerant to distress, expect too much from people but do not reciprocate and will not make the bed, among others. It is easier to deal with one at a time than attempt to force all of them. You can monitor progress by handling one at a time and end up with an adult over time. Taking too much at a go is stressing and disappointing.

Keep your son away from all vices possible. Substance abuse is one of the easiest ways FTL die into oblivion. Once the victim has been addicted, it will be impossible to recover him. Ensure that he does not go into drugs or such vices. Monitor his company and be hands-on in redirecting his time and energy. However, do not force him into doing anything that is not in any of his radars.

Get help from professionals as soon as you realize that there is a problem. Early and quick interventions make it easier to get positive results. There are localized programs that are professionally designed and will help you achieve desired results. The program you choose should be customized to deliver value for money through quality lifestyle.

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