Saturday, October 27, 2018

Rationale Behind Emotional Intelligence Leadership Training

By Kevin Evans

Management is one of the most important aspects of an organization. Good managers will have a positive impact on the growth of a business while poor ones can make it fail. It is important that these individuals enrol in emotional intelligence leadership training as it will help them perform better. The following is the rationale behind this program.

A manager has a lot of obligations. The workers expect him to lead them and some of them may be hard to control. His seniors, on the other hand, want to get results from him and all these expectations from other people may cause stress that can have a lot of bad effects. One may be affected physically by developing diseases like hypertension or even mentally hence the need to be guided on stress management.

Any two parties working together need good communication for good results to be achieved. When the manager is frustrated, he might become confused and give the wrong instructions, which will further worsen the performance of the group. When he can control his feelings, he can pass the right information in the right manner that will not upset his subjects. This ensures that no more mistakes are made at work.

When you are the manager of a group, you ought to understand others. People make mistakes and no matter how big these mistakes are, one should be given a chance to explain himself. This will not happen if the manager does not give them a chance to explain themselves as a result of anger. The employee will be punished instead of being understood.

Conflicts arise in all aspects of life and the office is not an exception. As a manager, you will find yourself solving misunderstandings between the workers and this is not easy if you cannot control how you feel. You will end up making unfair judgments and instead of solving the problem, it will worsen and this will affect the firm negatively.

It is easy to influence people when you have control of your own feelings. People, unlike animals cannot be forced to do something and if they are, they may not do it to your expectations. You have to make them love what they do and this is possible if you are gentle and understanding, meaning your feelings should not control how you lead them. You will not only be a leader, but also an inspiration too.

The program brings about self-awareness that will help you to stick to your commitments. When you are angry or frustrated, you may not feel like going to work or showing up for the scheduled meetings. It is important to understand your strengths and weaknesses so as to control the feelings so that they do not affect your schedule that could inconvenience others.

Every organization requires the workers to work as a team regardless of the position of the members. This is what enables them to meet the goals within a short time. As a manager, you not only need to be a team player, but you must set an example of how people should relate to each other. Your actions should not be affected by your sentiments.

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