Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Effective Linkedin Networking Strategy For Professionals

By Ronald Hamilton

Networking is the anchor of career advancement in the professional world today. While skills are still important, it is how much you expose these skills that is determining your progress. Linkedin is a social interacting platform that provides a chance to connect with other people in your profession. However, you need a Linkedin networking strategy that will deliver results.

Work on your profile to make it captivating. A profile summarizes who you are and the skills you are offering. It is the first point of reference when a potential client or employer gains interest in your skills. He should therefore find information that is valuable on your profile. This includes you training level, area of specialization, your image and experience, among other important details. Contact information must also be provided.

Link up with as many people as possible on the professional platform. This is aimed at increasing your chances of getting noticed. If your network is made of ten people, the chances of finding a job or a person to work with are significantly reduced. If the network is extensive, you will be in contact with more people and therefore increase your chances.

Choose people who interactions are valuable. Professional groups and social network site are populated with numerous people. Not everyone on the network will add value to your professional life. People who are ranked high in the professional field are more valuable. They will introduce you to opportunities and hold your hand whenever you need a mentor. However, do not assume the lowly people because they will also grow. However, be selective.

Interact with people within your network and platform. A dormant contact will never be noticed. Contribute to debates, tag people, ask question, begin conversations and engage in different ways that raise your profile. Once the people on your radar have noticed you and can appreciate your professional contribution, they trust in your skills and competence. This raises the chances of getting the next opportunity once it is advertised.

Focus on the quality of your content. Professionals are interested in knowledgeable partners who can also make valuable contributions. Make yourself a valuable contributor to debates. The questions you ask and comments you make must add value to the profession. It causes people to desire adding you into their group. Most people engage if they think they will get value from the interaction.

There are professional groups on Linkedin waiting for you to join. These groups are more effective because they bring together people of similar interests. The debates and activities in these groups are more focused. It means that you will find people who you share greater interest with. This boosts your chances of getting a valuable client or employment position. You must still be a valuable and active contributor in the group.

Take advantage of features provided by Linkedin to maximize your presence. Continuously review the updates made and skew them to your favor. Even as you work on your profile and activity on the platform, you must polish your skills. Be proactive in looking for opportunities and you will eventually reap the rewards.

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