Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Fresh Topics For Youth Leadership Training Programs

By Daniel Adams

Youths have to be trained on how to be leaders at micro and macro level. Once they lead themselves and people around them, they will have the courage to lead the nation. Organizations planning youth leadership training programs need to focus on particular topics that will help develop excellent leaders. Here is a highlight of some of these topics.

Avoidance and management of conflicts is a skill youths will need at personal and societal level. The conflicts will emerge on daily basis and demand careful or professional handling. Youths needs awareness of how conflicts arise and the role they can play in deescalating situations. They will also understand how war-mongers can avoid using them in their conflicts.

Youths are living in a world that is increasingly becoming a small village. It means that meeting a person of a different social background, religion, gender, class and many other differences is common place. It takes skill to handle these differences and diversity in a way that is profitable. It requires awakening of this sense of appreciation and the urge to learn what other people are about.

Youths need to learn about the environment and how to care for it. This is also in line with sustainable use of resources. These resources are getting depleted at an alarming rate. Unless pollution and misuse are managed at micro-level, the national and international interventions will be futile. It is the youths who end up suffering in a damaged world.

While youths have all platforms and gadgets to aid in communication, they are doing very poorly. They are unable to interact and pass crucial information about their ideas and aspirations. Their language and use of formalities have died. It is worse when you consider non-verbal communication because they do not recognize people around them. The message communicated by having headphones or fiddling with the phone will deny them opportunities when it matters.

A lesson on the need for partnerships is important. There is a growing cloud that makes individuals to think that they can achieve anything they wish alone. This is a possibility that has been proven by very many entrepreneurs. However, the need to create partnerships through which you advance your goals cannot be underestimated. This awareness is necessary to make the young people open up to the world and what the right partnerships can do.

Getting young person to focus on a single task or person can be a daunting task. Look around and see people on their phones and with headphones plugged. The level of distraction is alarming. If there is a way they can learn to focus, a lot of change can be felt.

A lesson on emotional intelligence is needed to transform the lives of young people. Their sensitivity to issues needs to be awakened. The sixth sense helps them to overcome some of the toughest situations. Emotional intelligence is the key to avoiding a lot of trouble.

Youths will have to learn perpetually but the lessons that they interact with will define their future. One lesson that should never be forgotten is how to build as well as respect systems. They create institutions and the basis for interactions or business. A facilitator or organizer has the responsibility of providing guidance on specific areas that he or she feels that his team is lacking.

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