Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ways Of Feeding Premature Babies

By Annabelle Holman

Premature babies are very delicate and they need extra care to survive. Their organs are not usually well developed therefore it is not possible to take food like normal children. Feeding premature babies is not easy because their digestive system may not be fully developed. The doctors may think the baby is mature enough to be taken home or use some methods that help to add fluids and nutrients to the child.

The preterm can have milk introduced to them in a gradual manner. This is however only allowed after a doctor has allowed it to be done. The baby can have a problem with the absorption of nutrients in the milk therefore the process should not be done too quickly or too slowly.

There are some food supplements that are usually fed to the babies who have a problem absorbing the nutrients from the food they take. The preterm newborns also miss out on some of the nutrients that usually administered to the babies during the last stages of pregnancy. These supplements can also help to give them these nutrients.

There are methods that can be used to feed the babies who are born too prematurely. An example is through the use of an IV line. This is a tube that is put directly into the stomach and is used to add the nutrients the child needs directly to the blood. This can be done for hours or even days depending on how premature the child is.

There are babies who are however born when they are mature enough to digest food but they cannot co-ordinate the sucking, breathing and swallowing of milk during breast feeding. This is done with the use of a soft tube that is directed to the stomach through the nose or the mouth. It is done until the baby learns to suckle milk.

Having a premature baby should never make a mother give up on breast feeding. The premature newborns are usually associated with a lot of stress and fatigue on the mothers due to the extra care they require. This stress affects milk production which may be needed after the baby is mature enough to breast feed. Mothers therefore need to be patient and wait for their babies to develop.

Many neonatologists recommend that premature newborns be fed breast milk if it is possible because it has a lot of benefits. The milk will help to build the strength and health of the kid and at the same time it will protect them from bacteria and viruses. The breast milk has antibodies that help to protect the baby against diseases and build their immune system. It is also easier to digest than baby formula.

If breast milk is not utilized for a while, it usually dries up. A mother who is waiting for their baby to mature so that they can breast feed can always get make sure they always have milk by having the child practice suckling. Some of them achieve this by just cuddling the kid.

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