Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How To Make Neon Signs

By Patty Goff

There are probably a million of ways now how business establishments attract their customers but there is one that never goes out of style. Those are the flashy and colorful neon signs all over any marketing promotions. These famous signage is indeed a very effective way to captivate people.

Neon signs are lighting displays filled with different gases such as mercury. Formed into different wonderful form and composition, it will surely awe and astonish everyone. It is also use to pinpoint if a business joint is available for any service. Many of these bright things are ubiquitous especially in a major cities in America, such as Midland Tx. Neon signs in Midland Tx are just few of the things that made the city famous.

As there are a number of things that made Midland Tx famous for, one of it are its flashy neon signs. A number of companies in Texas took pride in offering what they have in providing you a high quality of those, but you can actually make one for your own. Ordering may cost a lot more than your budget, so a handcrafted one in a more affordable cost will really help a lot. A number of companies offer their services, but with creativity and right tools you can have the a signage by making it.

Start by planning how you would like your signage to look like by making your design. Be specific about it and start sketching it in any paper. Also, do not forget to make it cool and unique.

Prepare everything after you decided everything about your design. Find a good selection of wires. It is very important as it is the basic for making one. You will also be needing a piece of wood in any sizes that you prefer. Simply attach the design into it, but if you do not want to, then simply attach it to your wall.

If you are using a piece of wood, go ahead and trace your design with a light mark. Layout the wires by following the design. Be mindful about its details like its length, width and the colors. Keep in mind that the wood should not be more than an inch thicker.

Shape those wires directly after the design you made. Set out into connecting it in the wood if everything fits in perfectly. With the help of any sticking material such as a hot glue gun, glue it gradually in the wood. The glue could dry up very quickly but laying all the wires down may take a while based on the size of the wood.

Carefully stick all the wires and at the time you are finish, allow it to dry. Now, decide where would you like to see it hanging. Remember to have it completely dry before plugging the wires. That is to ensure it is safety to use. And there it is, your own handmade signage.

It has been said that in some major cities the use of neon signs is depleting but recent developments makes it a signage you will surely want to have in your business in the future. Applying those developments to your own hand made ones will make you even proud of your work.

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