Sunday, October 26, 2014

Time Saving Tricks For Window Washing

By Patty Goff

In cleaning your home, you need to be certain that everything is spotless, including the windows. Most windows in contemporary homes nowadays are made of glass. And when dirt or dust sticks to it, it is readily visible. The tricky part in cleaning it is that you would need the right tools to make sure that you will not see anything on the surface.

You can choose to let the pros do all the work in your windows to ensure that they are squeaky clean. But there are just times that you do not want to hire someone because you want to take care of everything on your own. Window washing Scottsdale AZ is done usually by the homeowners. In most suburban areas, this is also the usual practice.

Cleaning a material such as the glass can be really tricky because there are times that you can say that it is clean but not spotless. There are times that you would see bits of cloth that stick to it and you also have to worry about the streaks right after you wash them. With this so many factors, it is normal for someone to get frustrated especially when you are aiming for a spotless clean. To ensure that it can be achieved, here are some of the things that you could practice doing.

Streaks are one of the most frustrating factor when you clean a glass window. To make sure that there is not one streak after everything, you need to use a squeegee to wipe the window. Be sure that it is dry before you wipe it. And it would be better if you are cleaning during a cloudy day. Too much sunshine would make the streaks appear more.

The mixture of bleach and detergent is not only useful for washing clothes. It is also beneficial for those who want to get rid of mildew which have formed in the frames. Always practice precaution when doing this and do not forget to wear gloves. Let the solution sit for several minutes.

The windowsill is the usual place where dust compile. It is sometimes tiring to wipe it every time you see something on the surface. To avoid doing this frequently, you can use an ample amount of floor wax and apply it to the exterior part of the windowsill so that dust would not accumulate.

Shades can accumulate dirt over time. And if you do not constantly dust it. Simple dusting procedure will do. But once you see that there are already spots in the shades, you really need to wash it.

If spots are already visible, you really need to wash it. You can either do it by not removing it or simply wash it in a tub. The second option is a more effective way of getting rid of the dirt but you would have another task which is to put it back on the window again.

Nicotine is one element that could really stick to the frames. When it does, it would be really hard to remove. One way of doing this effectively is to use an ammonia solution. Just spray in the affected parts of the frame and you would immediately see some improvements after a few minutes. Having ammonia solution with scent will also be good so that your home would smell wonderful afterwards.

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