Monday, November 3, 2014

Do You Know The Meaning Of The Hebrew Word Yahweh

By Etta Bowen

God has many names that express His different characteristics. In the Hebrew culture, God has a holy covenant name called Yahweh. This name has many meanings that Christians ought to know to get more revelation about the creator they adore. This article will help learn several things about God and some of the hidden secrets about Him. Actually, you would be amazed to see how this Hebrew name has featured in different Christian circles especially in Christian music.

To start with, this name is used many times to mean that, God is the beginning and the end. All that is in earth and in heaven will come to pass, but he will remain. He has no beginning and he also has no end. Before the earth came into existence, he was there and the world and the stars were formed by his word of mouth. It is therefore important to know that, God is the king of all kings.

This name is also crucial in making you learn that God is independent. This means that he does not depend on some powers and beings to survive. Everything he may need is within his abilities to make without seeking assistance from anyone. Moreover, it shows that he requires no one to make him God. There are no organizations or groups from which he seeks counsel or guidance whenever he intends to do something since he does it by his own might.

He created the universe we live in and everything in it. This is why we are dependent on him. He is our Father who is in heaven. Even the plants that exist on this earth all depend on him and his grace. Life would cease to exist without God. This is the reason why it is always good to pray to him when you are in need. He can intervene in your life and help overcome the struggles in it.

This name also indicates the consistency of God in all areas. This means that he does not change today and become something else tomorrow. What he says today remains and the promises he promised his people long time ago still remain in the same state. God does not say he will do something and later changes his mind depending on geographical, environmental, or economic factors.

Equally important, you need to know that the name also suggests that God performs what is right for the good of those who trust in him and in his son Jesus Christ. God is righteous and those people who are called by his name will inherit the kingdom of heaven. It is therefore important for every Christian to be a true follower of Jesus Christ so as to get the eternal gift of life.

From this name you would learn that truth and goodness is his lovely shield. He would always follow what is truth to maintain justice among the people of all tribes and races. He would never compromise in what if false to make anyone happy. If anything, falsehood and lies are what he hates most.

Lastly, for you to know more about this Hebrew word, you need to invest in Christian books that explain the different meaning of the word. You also need to be a consistent bible reader so that you can learn the Christian doctrines that you need to observe.

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