Thursday, November 6, 2014

Taking A Look At Adc Maps

By Christa Jarvis

Map is a graphical representation of measuring and portion generally on a two dimensional surface area, but it can also be spherical as in globes. Map has the metric properties means that it must be possible to take measurements of distances, angles or surfaces on it and get a result that may be related to same measurements made in real world (adc maps).

Currently still using the classification and structure of it. Its first version contained 70 map (56 in Europe, 10 in Asia and Africa and one from each continent). He made a selection of best map available, which redrew for a uniform edition of his form, and established a logical sequence of map: world map, Europe, Asia, Africa, New World. It also included a list of names of authors of map. This atlas was a great success, especially for its size and shape; was published in several languages, and he stopped not updated and improved in 1612. In 1575 he was appointed geographer Ortelius Philip II, a position that allowed him access to knowledge accumulated by Portuguese and Spanish explorers.

After the work of Ptolemy, for many centuries virtually stagnated mapping, so that seafarers navigated using makeshift map, until the discovery of compass enabled first portulanos develop. These map, resulting from experience, include those of Italian, Catalan, Portuguese, Venetian, French, and especially Mallorcan schools.

Became internationally famous in 1554 by a large map of Europe. On a world map of 1569 used map projection system was later named after him. This is a cylindrical representation with straight and parallel and meridian circles of equal latitude, and has the advantage that the straight lines connecting two points maintain a steady course, facilitating navigation compass.

To meet these demands, the cartographer can create multiple "levels of reading." At all times we should consider the simplification techniques, based on colors or symbols, bearing in mind that in a plane close reading can get detailed information elements. The amount of information must relate proportionately to scale. The larger the space dedicated to a region, the greater the number of data elements that can bring about them.

At the time of discovery of America highlighted the great cartographers and Diego Mendez, Juan de la Cosa, Pedro and Jorge Reinel, Sebastiano Caboto, Oronteus Finaeus, Desceliers and in a very special way, Gerardus Mercator, who in 1569 first used the canevas projection. As a curious fact is that Amerigo Vespucci, who received the great honor of naming the New World, was actually a prominent cartographer but not outstanding, and the perhaps undeserved honor that was done, was because an editor who published first map of new lands, pointed and the name was popularized in an irreversible way.

Rhumb lines on Earth (lines intersect all meridians as a constant angle) are plotted on this map by straight. Only the Mercator projection has this property. Using this mapping is usually in marine navigation, because to find the route angle simple graphics procedures. However, in this map the scale is very fast, especially at high latitudes, so you should always give the Mercator map scale for a given parallel of reference, which may be the Ecuador or to average parallel map.

For this reason, the cartographer Martin Waldseemuller used in his map of 1507 the name "America" as a designation for the New World. Vespucci began to draw map of their travels in Americas when installed in Seville (1508) in service of King Ferdinand. Both Solis, Pinzon, Juan de la Cosa and Vespucci contributed their expeditions to path of early map it is known on the American continent.

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