Monday, November 3, 2014

Why A Mole Trap Is Regarded As The Most Effective Method Of Eliminating Moles

By Etta Bowen

The beauty of gardens and lawns spruces up the look of a home by adding its aesthetic value. After you have designed your gardens and yards, you may have an uninvited guest. Moles are likely to invade home premises as they search for food. To eliminate them, you need to use effective techniques such as a mole trap, which lethally traps and kills the pest.

After working hard on your gardens, the last thing you would want to see is your flowers, grass, and shrubs being tampering with by critters. Moles cause the plants to wither because they dig the grounds. When moles invade gardens, they do not eat your plants but they damage the grounds by burrowing and creating networks of tunnels.

One thing you have to know is that it is not possible to capture moles alive. The most effective method is to use lethal traps to kill the critters. During their feeding patterns, moles dig holes as they search for worms, larva, and insects in gardens. One reason why moles invade gardens is because there are loose soils, which are easy to dig.

After you have spent a lot of money and time in creating gardens, this is the last thing you would want to experience. However, if you do not act fast, soon you may find that the once beautiful flourishing gardens have been damaged completely. In eliminating moles, you will have various options to consider.

The critters may not be easily seen because they spend much of the time inside holes and only come out once in a while. It may take time for you to know the area where they inhabit. You have to study their movement patterns in order to find out where they inhabit. You will find different way of eliminating moles but some may not be effective.

Using baits is regarded unsafe method because it exposes your children and pets to poison. Children and pets are heavy users of gardens and when they access those areas, they may find the baits and eat them. You do not want to poison children or pets by using baits. Other methods that may be applied are such as repellents, which try to drive away moles, but these are also not effective.

Using traps helps you to eliminate moles and protect your gardens from the damage caused by these pests. It is essential that you look for the best traps, which are capable of capturing the critters. There are a number of traps you will find in the market, and you should make sure you get the ones that are easy to set up and will not release the critter once it is captured.

Before setting up your trap, take time to examine the holes, which moles are using currently. Since you may not see them easily, you might use cameras to capture images around the gardens to determine the location of moles. This way, you can set your trap at the holes they are using. Make sure you set those traps properly at the entrance of the holes.

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