Sunday, October 18, 2015

Avoid Life's Pretty Wallpaper And Get Dirty

By Evan Sanders

In all real things, there's a hint of madness.

Without a modest amount of uncertainty, it's going to lack depth. Without depth, you're going to skim the border of what's actually possible for you. Without finding your best stuff and what defines your foundation, growth and fulfillment will look like a far away dream. You see, there's an inclination to become romanced with the quick and easy, but that's not where the magic is. The magic lies in the depths. The magic takes some soul searching. The magic is in jumping out of the ship completely and diving deep down into unexplored waters all while having unbreakable faith that you're going to find a pocket of air on the way down.

But what if negative emotions and fear crawl in? You have to embrace them.

When you consider it, we reside in a world completely full of chaos. Everything is going 1,000,000 miles a hour. Things are constantly falling apart and colliding together. It's a miracle that we are even able to function with everything happening around us. Some find their way early and others spend their entire lives searching for some type of deep meaning that will give them direction. We seek out direction, wisdom, and consume massive amounts of information to help us try to find some sense in of all this. This uncertainty can seduce us into trying to digest surface level pseudo-spirituality in order to help us understand ourselves. But without understanding context and avoiding diving into the depths we set ourselves up for disaster.

If we try to live on the surface however, we are essentially trying to build our foundations out of wallpaper.

When it all boils down to it, keeping your life on the surface level is not going to cut it when you want to do some serious development. If you really want to make some serious changes, you have to get down into the dirty and pick the weeds out yourself. Life isn't always pretty. In fact, life can be incredibly dirty and murky at times. But if you don't do the work that's necessary to heal it will always be that way for you. There will always be dark colors running through your heart.

When we dive into real things - those thoughts, emotions, experience - and they are surrounded with some uncertainty and madness, that's how we know we are exactly in the right spot. We are now in the place where there's some room for magic to happen. I keep saying magic because when you give up "knowing" things and fall into being in the unknown more and more, you allow yourself to have your socks knocked off by what life is offering you. Life is much more fun this way.

But you have to build your foundations first.

Roll around in the dust. Get mud on your face. Tear down the wallpaper. Burn down the termite ridden support beams you have made throughout the years and dance in the ashes of it all. That rock solid ground you are standing on - that's going to be the location where you build your life. It's time to build it over again and do the work you have always been scared to do.

Don't just live a life surviving. Live one where you thrive.

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