Friday, October 30, 2015

The Art Of Maintaining A Fine Beard And Goatee

By Omizzy Carol

The mustache has certainly changed over the centuries. From the days of British royals to the current trends, mustaches and beard styles continue to evolve. One thing that has always remained constant, however, is the fact that they must be well kept and trimmed at all times.

Even with daily trimming to shaving, however, certain styles can easily grow grey hair and look saturated. This is why oils are essential in maintaining the natural look and feel of the style. These topical solutions also help the face breathe, while eliminating acne and blemishes on the skin.

Like hair color, oils are applied directly on the facial hair. Depending on how large or small the look is, however, circular motions are needed to effectively cover the area. Water is then used to pocket the oils and shaving or trimming can commence.

With facial hair styles soaring in global popularity, there are many designs to select from. This includes the Middle Eastern look, which is popular among baseball players and athletes. This look sees the hair growing long and past the jaw line. This is accentuated by having a shaved head or crew cut hairstyle.

It is also essential to use the right razor when trimming the hairs. Most experts recommend durable brands that are designed specifically for thick hair shaving. While disposable brands can be used, most simply do not have the strength to secure the look and style you want.

Before shaving or using oils, the skin must be properly hydrated. This includes splashing plenty of water to ensure the pores are properly cleaned. By keeping the face wet, you can eliminate any particles that amass during or after the shave. Sprays can also be used to keep the hair looking wet, which is another popular style that has seen resurgence in popularity. Area barber shops feature these oils, however, it is best to purchase them online to save time.

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