Saturday, May 7, 2016

Great And Inexpensive Ways To Spruce Up Your Bedroom

By Karen Davis

The bedroom is often viewed as an inner sanctum where you can escape from the stresses of daily life and just relax in a comfortable domestic environment. Treat your bedroom with the respect it deserves and make the effort to spruce it up every once in a while. But if you do not have the budget to make this happen, here are some cool tips to give your personal sanctuary a cheap but fabulous interior design makeover.

Start with the most important fixture in the room which is, of course, your bed. An easy way to liven it up is to change the sheets. Consider interesting options like faux fur bedding or even silk blankets for a luxurious feeling when you sleep. Because this is where you largely spend your sleeping hours, ensure that your priorities are in order as far as beds are concerned.

A quick way to easily perk up any drab domestic space is through accessorizing with bright and vibrantly colored pieces. Be bold, imaginative, and unafraid to utilize items such as turquoise blue floor rugs or flamingo pink throw pillows. However, if your tastes are more conservative, crisp white home accessories also work just as well in enlivening your bedroom.

Another trick to infuse some personality in your bedroom is adding some photographs to give you some inspiration. It does not necessarily have to be pictures of your friends or family. You have the freedom to carefully tear out some of your favorite photos in old magazines and have those pages framed or for a more convenient approach, arrange them in a nice collage on one of the walls.

To really make a powerful statement without even having to spend anything on your interior decorating project, simply rearrange your bedroom furniture for that instant impact. This effective technique challenges your perspective on an immediate level because you are so used to seeing your things arranged in one place. Mix things up a bit and you will find incredible results waiting for you.

Fresh flowers will definitely add some pop of color plus an element of nature into the space. If you have a backyard garden, pluck some of your flowering plants and arrange the bouquet in a lovely yet sturdy vase. Once you have your beautiful floral arrangement, place it in a prominent spot like on your dresser or on the bedside table.

For a functional yet attractive focal point, consider placing a large mirror on a wall opposite the window. This strategic placement allows natural light to be reflected and distributed in the room so that the area will be illuminated adequately in the daytime. Best of all, you can use mirrors to help with your daily morning or evening routines.

Last but certainly not the least, include some fabulous finishing touches that emphasize your preferences but in a subtle and stylish way. You want the space to reflect who are are as an individual without going too over the top with your interior design decisions. Go for an aesthetic that will delight you but also one that carries a tone of sophistication and functionality.

Playing around with your personal space at home should be a fun yet cost free way to improve your surroundings. The guidelines mentioned here should serve you well in this regard. Keep an open mind and be confident that you will get fantastic results for your efforts.

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