Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How To Become An Indian Wedding Photographer

By Susan Wallace

Capturing an event with an unfamiliar culture should not deter you from enhancing your skills. So, simply challenge yourself to do this stint with the use of the tips below. In that situation, you shall have more confidence in yourself and you are going to start seeing every project as a chance to grow.

You have to gather all the patience which you can find. A new Indian wedding photographer is bond to come on time but people in this country is notorious for being late. Tardiness would mean an hour after the designated time. Thus, keep yourself preoccupied while waiting for them or work on those test shots instead.

You need to respect the other photographers that one would be assigned to work with. An Indian family may be in Mississauga, ON but most of them would ask someone from their family to take the shots as well. Just work harmoniously with these people and avoid talking about sensitive topics such as religion.

If they have the oldest camera equipment, you are not allowed to snort on that. Being in a third world country is not that easy. So, simply interact with them and introduce the technology which you have been blessed with from the other side of the world. Just work on the common goal of making everybody look pale and you might be invited to another Indian wedding.

Midnight weddings can be very common in this culture. So, simply learn to adjust your body clock while you are in there. Change your sleeping pattern for a few days for you to remain sharp all throughout the event. If an Indian couple want to get married on the exact hour that their stars align, so be it.

Dinner is going to be served really late. Thus, stuff yourself up for your shots to remain accurate and not lack that certain mix of emotion. Moreover, it is essential that you remain friendly to everybody. It can sometimes be a sign of disrespect when you do not smile back to the stranger in that event.

The flow of these events are never exactly the same. So, expect two hours to be the average period for these occasions. Focus on the smallest details since the bride will truly appreciate that effort. If you have a personal thing for sanskrit verses, take a video while they are being recited by their religious leader.

You need to help the Indian photographer in taking a picture of everyone who came. Yes, this can get tiring after a while but this is the reason why you should have passion for everything you do. That can prevent you from hesitating so much on your way to the country which you know nothing about.

The stationary couple picture needs to be perfect. The newlyweds would treat this as the pride of their new household. So, do your best in getting their best angle and capture their most genuine smile. Crack a joke but keep it all natural.

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