Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How To Get Kids To Listen To You

By Carolyn Long

Children have a lot going on, both on an emotional level as well as with what they have to do with their life. It is often difficult for them to listen to their parents and teachers. It is not always as if they are being disobedient. Very often, things become chaotic in their lives. Parents need to know how to get kids to listen without becoming frustrated.

Of course, this can be difficult when you are calling your child for dinner or you are trying to talk to them and they are busy in their own world. A lot of parents naturally become impatient and start to raise their voice. This is not very helpful because it can lead to a lot of conflict in the home. Some children become fearful of the parents.

Of course, there are times when a child is playing mind games. This is when they are going to ignore you. Every child goes through this phase, looking for attention or testing the parent. This is more psychological and it is not going to help when you raise your voice because they won't respond.

Children will start to learn about various orders and commands over time. However, they don't want to become fearful of the parent, thinking that they will become threatened in one way or another. Parents should exercise caution, using empathy and compassion when talking to their child. They will strengthen the bond between the parent and the child.

Sometimes it is best to warn the child that they need to do something or go somewhere in a certain time. This will give them a warning. It is also important to include a term of endearment, which reduces any sense of threat and will increase the warmth that the parent has for their child. The parent should also be ready for a reaction.

There should be no control or power in the relationship because this will also create fear. Kids will start to listen to the adult, but it is not the right way to go about it. It will weaken the bond and they will grow up with psychological issues. They may find that that fear creeps in when they are exposed to authority figures in their life.

Some children will have more problems listening in general. They can have learning disorders, autism or attention deficit disorders. These are things that teachers may be able to pick up. It is helpful to know the signs and symptoms. Parents need to be encouraging at a time like, offering a lot of love and support.

When you have something like autism, for example, you may not be able to hear anything from the outside world. You are so focused on what you are doing that your social skills take a back seat. Parents need to patient. They need to be able to sit with their child and communicate gently with them. It is also important not to repeat because it won't help.

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