Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Do's & Don'ts Of Avoiding Poison Ivy

By David Kellan

To say that poison ivy is troublesome would be nothing short of an understatement. While it's often associated with extreme rashes, the problems can build to become even more troublesome. This is why it's important to know as much about poison ivy as possible, which is where your local Hampton tick control company can come into play. When it comes to ivy exposure, prevention, and the like, here are the biggest do's and don'ts you should know.

DO know what poison ivy looks like. First and foremost, you should have a general understanding of how poison ivy plants appear. One of the features to look out for is the smaller collection of leaflets, which are attached to larger leaves. In addition, these plants usually take on the form of shrubs. These are just a few visual features that companies such as Alternative Earthcare will be able to tell you about.

DON'T leave poison ivy plants to grow. Believe it or not, it's entirely possible that your lawn can become the home of poison ivy plants. This is why you should remove the plants in question as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will continue to grow until they're seemingly uncontrollable. Fortunately, this is where the services of east end tick control companies can come into the picture. Not only will they remove the plants in question, but do so in such a way that they won't return.

DO put on the proper clothing. You should know that clothing goes a long way in protecting yourself against poison ivy. Let's say that you were to go hiking in a tank top and a pair of shorts. Due to the exposure that said clothing offers, your skin would be exposed to the elements, poison ivy included. This is why you should wear an outfit that offers more coverage by comparison. Long sleeves and pants alike will serve you well.

DON'T forget to apply protective gel. Prior to stepping outside of your home for a hike, make sure that you have protective gel on. Believe it or not, there exists numerous solutions that will protect the skin against poison ivy. In addition, they're easily found at different stores, meaning that you won't have to travel far in order to find what you need. To say that protective gel matters would be an understatement, so invest in a bottle or two.

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