Friday, January 20, 2017

Why Every Man Cave Decor Is The Best There Is For Him

By Sarah Thompson

That particular room that belongs to a guy has one thing in common to every other guys room. That one most common feature is that all of them are different. This room belongs to a guy. It does not belong to the neighbors, his wife, the kids, no one else. The thing about every man cave decor is specificity to his needs and wants.

The designing or decorating of this room is based on the wants needs, desires and interests of the guy involved. It may revolve around sports, hobbies or any other things he likes to do and about what he thinks of them and himself. A few examples will help you understand what is meant by this.

The reason he has created this room might be to enjoy sports by himself or with close friends. In this particular case, the decorations will revolve around a large television. It might be a flat screen or not, but it will have the larger than normal speakers so he can be right in the middle of it.

He may be into woodworking. If that is the case, he will want to have a large table in there. This will be used to great effect as it holds things he is working on. There also might be a tool bench and tool box for all of the things he needs from time to time. In this particular case, he might also have a more than normal amount of electrical outlets as well.

If he reads during this important alone time, he will need shelving and magazine racks, along with an easy chair. He will have to have sufficient lighting, set in just the right position. He might have a shelf just for his electronic reader that has a lot of his reading material, especially if he has a bent for electronics to match his tastes in gaming.

The room will be furnished with carpets, area rugs and, possibly, a wet bar. There will also be posters that help him understand things. Maybe a sporting poster with a few of his favorite teams. Some placards will show him various woodworking joints or some that advertise various shows or events he wishes to attend later. There will almost certainly be tables that will hold his drink and, possibly, an ashtray.

If he is into coin collecting, he will need a nice table and good chair. Lighting will have to be positioned so he can inspect the coins in the right light. Magnifying glasses will have to be stored in a drawer along with coin holders and alcohol wipes. Shelving will help him display some of his nicest pieces and a safe may be needed for some of the most valuable items in is inventory.

Since this room is devoted to only one guy, everything in this space will relate to what he is all about. This space may actually be a room on the main floor of the house. It might be in the basement or in the attic, wherever he can find the space. It might be in a separate structure such as a shed as well.

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