Thursday, April 13, 2017

Why Emotional Growth In Adults Is Important

By Paul Smith

You will know whether you are emotionally mature or whether you are living in an adult body, but simply feel like a child. Emotional growth in adults is a key feature to your overall happiness in life. However, if you are not happy with this, it means that you have to go through a long process, understanding what leads to this feeling.

This can be referred to as arrested development or stunted growth. It is when someone has been affected during their childhood. Because of this trauma, they will battle to grow beyond a certain point. It can be difficult to survive like this because it can interfere with your personal and professional relationships. You will battle making decisions. You will feel as if you have no joy in your life.

This is because they have been affected in some way or the other. It may be because of something like physical or emotional abuse. They continue to put themselves down because of this. They will think negatively about everything in life. They will become angry and have a lot of intimacy problems which will lead to other relationship issues.

Someone who is more mature will not feel sorry for themselves. They may come across the odd challenge, because this is part of life, but they won't see themselves as a victim in life. They will become angry, but they will be able to control their temper in most circumstances. They are not as sensitive as someone who is emotionally immature.

You may not have changed since the time your parents began shouting at you. You may have stayed in that place, because it is extremely traumatic. Because of this you will constantly be having negative feelings. You feel that you are not worthy because the person you trusted most told you so. Your attitude is bad and you think you are a failure.

It is not possible to change your ways overnight. You have to be willing to put in the effort. You also need the support. There are professional therapists who can help with this. They will give you homework to do and you slowly begin to look at the underlying reasons for the arrested development. However, it is necessary to deal with the trauma first.

Once you deal with the trauma, you can learn to socialize, look at the personality disorders, learn to make decisions and improve your relationships. A lot of people feel that they are victims all of their lives as a result of the abuse that they have suffered. Of course, it is shocking. However, if this is your mindset then you are never going to be able to be able to move on in life.

Your life will begin to change. You will be able to make decisions. You will be able show kindness and compassion for others. The need to be right all of the time will be less of a feature. Instead you will be able to show more empathy and have respect other people in your life. As you develop these feelings, you will understand more about love. This is something new and greatly rewarding.

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