Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Latest List Of Poems That Motivate

By Debra Johnson

Individuals and teams require motivation and inspiration from time to time. This is where poems that motivate become so crucial. They are rewarding options because of their careful choice of motivational words meant to ignite a fire of passion in the hearts of the reader. Completing such a poem feels as though a heavy burden has been lifted off the shoulder of the reader. This provides the inspiration to become a better person.

The poem by the name IF is written by Kipling Rudyard. It highlights a world that beats up a person with doubts and discouragement. According to the author, one needs to have a strong will in order to overcome the doubts and not follow the dictates of the world. Even with the prevailing pressure and demand to conform, each person should chat his own path.

Maya Angelou is known for defining the writing, and especially feminism world for years. One of the inspiration pieces she is known to have written is Human Family where she celebrates diversity. As a traveled writer, she has seen all the beauty of the earth and believes that there is something positive about every difference. As such, these differences must be celebrated other than be a source of conflict.

The Invitation was penned by Mountain Dreamer. It is extracted from a book that Dreamer wrote and thus does not stand alone. The author is a renowned spiritual counselor who also doubles as a story teller. In her view, everyone has a place and role to play in the world. The only way the potential of the world will be achieved is when each stops playing second fiddle. Each has a call to serve the world with own talent and ability.

Invictus is the work of William Ernest Henley. The poem captures the need for everyone to accept his or her circumstance and take responsibility of his progress. The title is borrowed from a Latin word that means unconquered. It is borrowed from his life lessons since he refused to allow his handicap to bring him down. Rather, he continued working despite being amputated.

Robert Frost is famous for his piece The Road Not Taken. He gives an idea of a traveler who has to make a decision on the path to follow especially at a junction. The motivation is to follow the less traveled path because it comes with great rewards. The fact that very few people have traveled that route means that it has a lot to reap for the traveler.

Emily Dickinson is a female writer who composed the piece If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking. This is a unique piece considering that the first line also serves as the title. Emily has a reputation to capturing a message and delivering it so effectively in a few words. Her messages have lasting impact.

Famous writers have delivered incredible motivational poems. They fit perfectly into the circumstances of readers. Some have been audio recorded for easy dissemination. There are videos also enhanced with the message. The pieces will lift your spirit instantly and inspire you to dream more. The pedestal they place you leaves you with no option but to seek greatness.

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