Sunday, November 19, 2017

Valuable Perspectives Of Tempe Liberal Church

By Linda Kennedy

Normally, there are many ways of expressing faith, and there are many denominations in the world today. Their presence could have been triggered by disagreement on various categories of beliefs on true fundamental values in connection to Christian faith. Some important things to note in this faith are the diverse interpretation of scriptures in Bible. Below are valuable standpoints of Tempe liberal church.

The first to discuss is the authority of the religion as a true belief. Their perspective is that there is no sole authority powerhouse, but they acknowledge the contribution of modern knowledge and experience in interpretation of Holy Scriptures. They believe that Christianity should be modern and progressive thereby undergoing a sense of revolution in its way of interpretation thus relevant without being based on external authority.

The next thing is about the New Jerusalem or the world to come. They discourage laxity in Christians to keep waiting for that new world without being responsible for improving their own lives. They encourage members to participate in various categories of human life and contribute accordingly to elect new leadership and other factors affecting their life rather than neglecting the current affairs.

It is also their pillar that the religion should be credible and relevant to the modern social setup. It is open to modern judgments based on intellectual in connection with inquiries about nature and even on perspectives given by modern social science. It promotes the need for an ethical way of life and supports the moral concept of atonement. It is to make the gospel relevant to modern society.

Another stand is the basis of truth in accordance with changing of symbols and forms used to connote truth by modern scholars and religion teachers. They advocate for new views of the truth and not entirely on known signs and analogies from the religion predecessors in past centuries. They discourage treatment of symbols and forms as the absolute truth rather than the truth itself.

They also agree that the present disagreement about various judgments on faith truths is just the packaging but not lack of belief. This means that they could be talking about the same thing, but the constraints of language barrier or interpretation could be bringing the difficulties and controversies. They cite language as the base problem for disagreements but not the real belief.

It is also important to understand that historical accuracies of biblical facts and flow of events as presented in the bible are not the basis of faith. Their main concern is the general teaching of Christ in all those passages in the gospels. It is not about the accuracy of flow of events but the truths presented by each storyline or narration rather than its chronological order in various books.

Finally, they insist and emphasize that the true faith is the way of Christ. They discourage the adoration of doctrine about the savior but the actual focus on Christ himself. This is all in attempt to show that what is more important is the faith author not what is known about him.

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