Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why New Entrepreneurs Need Attraction Marketing

By Christine Clark

Without a marketing plan, chances of a good idea generating a profit are slim. While there are some instances where a business has survived solely by word of mouth, having a plan based on visual presentation is becoming the norm. Smaller operations with a limited budget should consider attraction marketing to establish themselves as an expert.

To believe in something is to understand it. What it does, along with its purpose, and the type of audience that will find a product, service, or idea useful. Maybe there are uses for a different demographic. A good example of this is fashion. For a long time, people wore leg warmers or scarves as protection in cool weather but at least once in the past century, these accessories have been trendy fashion choices in warmer climates.

For a long time, people associated this squash as a food to be enjoyed during the fall or winter seasons. Recently, as the foodie craze began to emerge, recipes both savory and sweet, could be enjoyed throughout the year. Some experts have even discovered that canned pumpkin could make a healthier substitute for certain baked goods.

Those who are into wardrobe styling may want to go beyond sharing the latest fashions. Not all styles work for every body type, so it may help to add tips for the person who does not have a lot of money to spend on clothes. Showing the before and after pictures of common fashion faux pas and making the most of a limited budget is often a popular subject amongst consumers.

It also helps to give a shout out to brands that are popular with this particular demographic or reach out to those who have scientific knowledge of the health benefits. Basically, what it comes down to is creating a unique selling point as early as possible. When a market is saturated, finding a way to stand out guarantees a stronger chance of survival.

It also helps to be consistent. Many of us have multiple interests and from a branding aspect, how these are introduced as part of an image takes careful consideration. Colors used, language, and presentation techniques may gradually change over time but the voice used to communicate with an audience should not vary greatly.

Where the competition may be more focused on sales, attraction entails being more of an expert who is willing to go the extra mile. Researching, engaging in regular dialogue, and watching others will make better presentations and less likely to rehash content for the sake of keeping up appearances. Even if a person does not care to write long blog posts or articles often, they could create images with a small blurb underneath.

A good marketing program should bring in others who may want to form an alliance or other business partnership. This may be in the form of a paid influencer or affiliate, either directly through the supplier or a marketing agency. Once a strong following has been built, there are many opportunities that can help raise the profile of a brand.

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