Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Why Am I So Unhappy With Myself All The Time

By Charles Ross

People get upset and unhappy with themselves all the time. However, when people begin to get obsessed as thoughts enter their heads which are mostly negative and when they drag on, it is important to seek professional help. Folks often start asking, why am I so unhappy with myself.

There are many reasons for this, from being in low in confidence and being self conscience because of folks who are overweight or worried about the way that they look. In this day and age, there is so much media attention. There is a lot of judgement in terms of how people see one another.

Usually, one will turn to a psychologist or a counselor. There are different types of counseling. Some people also prefer the more practical approach of life coaching. There are pros and cons of both approaches, but one has to weigh up the pros and cons. It can depend on whether someone wants to talk about their problems or focus on goals and taking action.

People become more and more self conscious about themselves, the longer that they dwell on these issues, and simply avoid them. However, they will eat away and continue to affect you in one way or another. People go through life in this state. They may end up surviving by having a comfort in their lives which can be their escape. It can be alcohol or food, for example.

People sometimes just accept their fate. They realize that they have had a bad time, and there is nothing that they can do about this. They feel that they simply have to put up with whatever is thrown in their direction. For example, there are still people who come back from the battlefield and decide just to stay strong.

As soon as people begin to become more vulnerable by expressing themselves and allowing their emotions to come out, they will notice a difference. This is where the healing process begins. It is obviously not an instant cure, but it will take time for the individual to rediscover and learn about themselves, which is so helpful.

They find out how they are able to become more alive without the use of alcohol or drugs. As they are guided by the therapist, they learn to get into a more healthy lifestyle, which doesn't include obsessions or other forms of escape. Over this time, folks begin to become fulfilled in other ways by connecting with people who are inspiring and by being involved in activities which are creative.

You need to know how to cope when you are struggling with various circumstances that can bring you down. Often, one will work on techniques which they can quickly turn to. For example, there are many apps on the phone and people may listen to something there. This could be meditation or mindfulness. Some people have anxiety or panic attacks. Although, you may find that these attacks are reduced after you deal with underlying feelings, you may get the odd panic attack. When this happens, you need to be prepared for this.

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