Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Youngsters And The State Of Their Mental Health

By Maria Wood

Kids are very much looking forward to growing up and having their lives all figured out without knowing that growth can be a little painful. Changes that happens on ones personality, behavior and way of thinking can be a cause of some unwanted mental health problems. This age is where confusion about how they feel occurs very common which is not easy for them to begin with. Below would be a little explanation of these problems that not only young adult Matthews NC are suffering but almost majority of young population are going through.

Being a teenager means feeling so many different emotions within the day and they are not used to it. This merry go round of emotion could possibly last for a longer time and could cause serious risks. The changes that is caused by this development could either be a good thing and a bad thing at once.

Once they are not guided by adults well and they continue to think that something may be wrong with them, there are health issues that may occur to them. Most of these problems are mental issues where they will have trouble controlling the way they think and it affects them real bad. It is important for someone who knows them to distinguish whether the attitude they are showing is part of growing up or a sign of mental health disorder.

Parents would sometimes think that the weird attitude their kids shows which includes being cranky is pretty normal for their age. Yes, that can be possible but it also is an early sign that something may be bothering them and they would appreciate having someone to talk about it with.

The most common mental problems that teenagers are experiencing are autism, anxiety, depression and behavioral disorders. Statistic shows that male are most like to have autism and ADHD while women are commonly suffering from anxiety. One commonly acquire such problems once and if they were raised in a family that abuses them physically or sexually.

Depression is a feeling of uncontrolled sadness, overwhelming melancholy with anger. Having such problem would cause them to be irritable with most people around them and they may feel physical problems like headache and stomach ache too. They also feel worthless and they began questioning their worth where it often leads to thinking of death.

Anxiety on the other and is something closely related to depression where those who have this feels constant fear, panic and trauma and more. Youngsters with such problem are seemingly over emotional and unresponsive. They also easily get uneasy.

Eating disorder can be classified into two types, anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is an eating problem where person eats only a small amount of food or they never eat all. Bulimia is overeating of foods they do not need and purging them after. Usually women who have either of the two are suffering from pressure that is gradually put on their shoulder.

Seeing such symptoms on friend and family, the best thing to do is ask help from physicians. Mental issues are something that should not be underestimated because it can cause a huge problem when neglected. There are suitable treatments and medication so that the thoughts are controlled.

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