Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Need For A Millennial Life Coach

By Karen Hughes

America is a youthful nation. Most people in America are young. They are below forty years. A person who is below thirty years is considered as a millennial. As a matter of fact, millennials are the future of the United States of America. As it is commonly said in America, the youth are the future leaders. They are the future doctors, engineers, and even teachers. A nation is as strong as its youthful population. This segment of the population must be as healthy as possible. Physical, mental, and emotional health is needed. Often times, the services of a millennial life coach are necessary.

A life coach is an important member of society. Thus, he should be given the respect that he deserves. It is hard if not impossible to imagine a world without life coaches. Such a world would be a very dark place to live in. Coaching professionals are just as important as medical doctors. They save lives in their own special way.

Life has its up and downs. Life is beautiful. However, roses are also beautiful and despite all of their beauty, they have thorns. During the journey of living, one will encounter thorns along the way. There will definitely be bad situations. With some coaching along the way, there will not be a problem that will be too hard to handle.

Millennials all over the United States of America are facing stress and depression. That is also the case in other countries all over the world including Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. People are living hectic and stressful lives. Some people have to work for more than twelve hours in a day so that to be able to make ends meet.

The level of stress will determine whether professional assistance is needed. There is totally no need to seek the assistance of a professional if the stress level is not dire. For the case of severe stress, one requires timely coaching. A good coach will not offer a cosmetic solution. He will deal with the root cause of the stress.

Stress is not the only problem that is facing young people. The youthful population of America is also facing all manner of addictions. The level of addiction in America has never been this high. This problem is getting worse with every passing day. Something needs to be done in America before the addiction pandemic gets out of hand and becomes unmanageable.

A person can become addicted to anything. Addiction does not discriminate. It knows not race, age, gender, social status or income level. The number one addiction in America is substance abuse. Many millennials are abusing drugs and alcohol. Addiction is largely a mental problem. Counseling from a professional is required so that to address the root cause of an addiction.

Coaching is a noble and rewarding profession. Of course, there is the financial reward. Coaches usually offer their services at a fee. There is also the emotional reward. It is emotionally rewarding to know that one has improved lives at the end of the day. America has a shortage of coaches. More Americans should be encouraged to pursue coaching courses.

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