Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Universal Characteristics A Minister Of The Gospel In Pittsburgh PA Should Posses

By Brenda Butler

Being a clergy-person comes with a responsibility of leading a Christ like life. There are things that a pastor or a minister of the Gospel and in the Church must do and these are the things that help affirm their service in the ministry. Therefore, a Minister of the gospel in Pittsburgh PA must possess particular characteristics and it is through these characteristics that they remain focused into serving God and helping men find the hand of God and eventually remain faithful towards obtaining the ultimate prize. The characteristics that clergymen should possess are jotted in this article.

A calling to serve in the vineyard is something that must be witnessed therefore, the priest or the clergyman should always have a calling to serve in the ministry and this is then only way they will endure all manner of hardships experienced and even help many see light and march towards their crowns. Everything in this world has purpose and design and a clergy-person should always examine their purpose for becoming a preacher and a shepherd.

Preaching is what one will be doing on a weekly basis and this should never be gambled with. In all seminaries and pastoral training institutes, men and women are taught how to deliver sermons and preach; homiletic. Therefore, one must master the art of preaching and being a prolific and eloquent speaker. How one delivers messages and sermons defines how the congregation remains attentive and keen to the messages delivered. The preacher must also be a good teacher of the word and this helps edify the church.

The persona of the preacher speaks volumes and there is need for a personality that pinpoints kindness, humility, love, patience, tolerance and above all Christianity. There is no way you will deal with a congregation without patience as not all the congregants are of the same level and not always will they be agreeing to your directives. Therefore, you will have to tolerate these congregants and embrace their opinions with a lot of love and kindness.

A straightforward life should be affirmed when it comes to clergymen. There are so many people who are looking up to these persons and they should always walk in purity and purify themselves on a regular basis. This does not dispense the fact that clergymen are also sinful beings but they should never be bad role models to the congregants. Therefore, it deems fit for the clergymen to walk in all purity.

Doctrines are always playing an integral role when it comes to enhancing the Christina walk and they help define what people believe in. Thus, preachers must be in the front-line to believe in sober doctrines that are bible defined. These are the doctrines that help shape the path that congregants are to follow at all times.

Gifts and talents in the church must be nurtured. This is where people with gifts are raised and helped ace in their gifts. The clergyman must be able to relate with the congregation and help people in their different gifted areas.

As much as a clergyman needs to attain the gift of eternal life, they should lead others towards the right path. Therefore, the above mentioned points are the characteristics that a clergy person must possess. The preacher must as well edify their service in the ministry often to ensure they remain in the right path.

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