Sunday, May 12, 2019

Facts On How Your Subconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

By Kenneth Sanders

The tricky thing about the subconscious or unconscious mind is that it controls actions from the shadows even if one is not aware of it. However knowing how your subconscious mind rules your behavior is one way to learn how to reprogram the unconscious mind to work differently. Here are a few things that one might want to know about how this part of the mind works.

Now, in order to master the unconscious part of the brain, it is important to break it down first. It is possible to equate this part of the mind to a single big computer database that stores all the old program files needed to run certain applications. All of these quote and unquote files are belief and memories. These beliefs and memories are the root causes of certain behavioral patterns that one may showcase on the outside.

For example, if a boy has a lack of self of confidence, it would most likely come from a traumatic incident that caused it. Now, the traumatic incident would be stored in the brain database and would serve as the driving force behind such insecure behaviors. To put it short, all of the root causes of how a person acts can be traced to an a memory or a belief that is stored in this part of the brain.

Now, one may actually ask why these memories are so powerful if they are already finished and in the past. Well, it is not really the memories that would create the behaviors but rather the beliefs and perceptions one gets from the experiences. The beliefs that are embedded into the brain would eventually convert to actions.

With the previous example of the bullied kid, the trauma would cause him to create a low perception of self. He most likely thinks that he is worthless and weak if he can let a couple of bullies torment him everyday. Since he is constantly focusing on that belief, then it will be embedded into his unconscious and come out as behavior.

Knowing this, one may ask if it is possible for behaviors to be changed since beliefs are already embedded into this database in the mind. The simple answer is yes because the unconscious brain has this rule that one will get whatever he or she puts emphasis on. So if a belief was embedded, then one most likely kept on focusing on the incident and the belief.

In order to do this, one has to first change his memories by making new and good ones. By making new and good memories, one will be able to translate them into new beliefs and new perceptions. In a way, it would be like replacing the old bad ones with some new good ones.

As one can see, the unconscious mind is an extremely powerful entity that can make or break a person. If one fills his or her subconscious with negative things, then negative behaviors would stem out. If one fills it with positive beliefs though, then the more positive behaviors and actions would stem out.

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