Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Merged Practice Of Shamanism And Reiki

By Charles Hill

The rarified world of medicine is in a constant state of flux. New kinds of treatments are constantly being discovered, invented, while some get discredited and thrown to the scrap heap. Time after time, people revert yet again to the old but gold treatment options, just like this Shamanism and Reiki in Ithaca.

These two are seeming polar opposites of each other. One has its roots in the Orient and other in the primeval West. However, the principles that they put up are surprisingly well suited and complementary with each other. It should not come as a surprise, therefore, that they have been merged, giving off satisfying results in the process.

Shamanism is pretty much intuitive in its claims. Some of their claims are in treating illnesses and ailments through mending the soul. You have the more ethereal beliefs, as well, such that Shamans are supposedly the messenger or intermediaries from the spirit world. Whatever approaches are used, the end goal is all about alleviating the traumas and affectations of the spirit, which will soon impinge on the physical body, affecting comprehensive wholeness and balance.

However it is tagged as complementary medicine, its safety risks are low and negligible. The danger lies mainly in that those that are convinced of shamanistic Reikis healing powers do away with conventional treatments. Of course, that should NEVER, naturally not be the case. Thus, the dangers associated with it.

To a certain degree, shamanistic reiki is all about reaching an altered state of consciousness, in a progressive way. It is all about transcending the mundane and perceiving and perhaps interacting with the spirit world. Of course, that could be taken to mean in a figurative sense, the point being that there is the need to acquire transcendental awareness and energies.

Although this is not a field that is subsumed under the auspices of true science, that doesnt stop some people from acquiring the name of Shamans. These practitioners have achieved the role of teachers, and they claim to have the knowledge and power of transcending other dimensions of thought and spirituality. Some rely on visions and dream interpretations to convey their messages, or they may claim the guidance of spirit guides.

It is said that shamanistic Reiki makes greatly helps in a persons life transition, which, in the course of its actuality, can bring along negative energies, feelings, emotional blocks, and some such. These transitional changes subsume a lot of happenings, from finding a new job, home, lifestyle, partner, and so on and so forth. This is a way by which one can release trapped feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. Its something that revamps ones joys in living, refreshing ones zest, vitality, and energy in living.

Moreover, its supposedly helpful in healing feelings of sadness, grief, and trauma. Among the ways and means by which they establish this is through clearing negative energies. It also aids considerably in convalescence, especially when one is recovering from surgery or illness. It grants one with the grace and will to navigate around and deal with illnesses, sicknesses, and disabilities. It greatly helps with disorders that have mainly to do with a persons state of mind, like insomnia and addiction.

Of course, you will have to mold these sessions around your budget. If they are a part of your physical therapy or palliative care, then you may stand to use your health insurance. However, if its on a mere whim, you will usually have to pay out of your pocket. Do a consultation with a certified practitioner first. There are all kinds of activities, from energy healing, light massages, aromatics, and so on and so forth. The nub of the matter is healing some sort of physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional block.

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