Saturday, May 31, 2014

Qualities To Look Out For In Industrial Paint Remover Products

By Marci Glover

Paints are used in wide range of applications in commercial and industrial set ups including coating metals and other surfaces to enhance their durability and prevent them from exposure to damaging elements. However, the painted surfaces may require repainting and other forms of surface treatment. This is where industrial paint remover products are needed.

Removing paint films from surfaces can be a challenge especially when working on large surfaces or extremely small-coated surfaces. No company wants to spend countless hours trying to strip paints and varnishes from surfaces. However, with top class products that are designed to offer effective stripping of paints, companies can enhance their production processes.

With the right paints stripping substances, companies are able to improve their production processes. Companies that are searching for stripper products need to get those, which are environmentally safe and effective. A number of paints strippers you find in the market contain harmful elements, which can pose risks to workers who are stripping the materials.

Using contaminated substances can lead to risks such as cancer or other chronic diseases. Companies do not want to be reliable for such damages occurring in their workplace. It is better to use products that are safe for employees as well as the environment. Because there is a wide range of substrates, which are coated or painted using paints, each stripper product sourced from suppliers should be able to work safely and effectively on the intended material.

Different substrates behave differently when they come in contact with chemical substances and solutions. For instance, wood surfaces tend to absorb moisture and they will soak in substances that are fluid in nature. If those strippers contain color elements, your wood may change its color. Similarly, plastics can be damaged by some chemicals or strippers that are used under high temperatures.

Each of the different types of substrates including wood, bricks, concretes, metals, plastics, and stone would require different forms of strippers. For example, wood can be damaged when it is exposed to solutions, which contain colored substances. It is likely to absorb the colors and change its appearance.

The films of coats applied on metals adhere so firmly that they become difficult to remove. You will need to use special substances, which can clear away the firmly embedded films on metals. With products, which can strip away paints on plastics, the manufacturers of plastic products are able to enhance their production process.

The strippers designed for metal substrates coated using powder coats are designed to be able to break the binders that hold together the coating film particle. Upon application of those products, the films are broken down and you will see the coating fall off from the surface. Use of strippers is not only economical for industrial use but also protects the environment. It is also speedy, something which increase the productivity rate.

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