Friday, September 26, 2014

Find Out How To Make Homemade Essential Oils

By Karina Frost

Valuable essential oils bear aromas and flavors of plants they are derived from and can be used for scenting, massages, healing and many other purposes. These volatile liquids will quickly evaporate, and you need to keep them in closed, dark glass made containers, away from heat and light. Here you can find out how to make homemade essential oils easily.

Numerous plants contain valuable essential oils, they just need to be extracted. This can be done on several different ways. Industrial production uses steam distillation and this is the most effective but also the most complicated way. Another common ways for extracting oil are cold pressing and using carrier oils. The method sometimes depends on what kind of plants you use.

Cold pressing can be used for obtaining citrus essential oil. You can use sliced lemon peels, orange peels or some other citruses, but they need to be organically grown. Soak them in distilled water for a while first. This might take a day or two. Strain the peels and place them into your press, or squeeze them between two wooden boards. Put something really heavy on the top to make them release the liquids.

When all fluids get extracted, after a while, the oil will begin to float on the top. You need to gather this oil and strain it through clean cheese cloth or several layers of gauze. It takes some time, but you will obtain perfectly clean, aromatic essence.

Another popular and simple method is using carrier oil. Using highest quality virgin olive oil obtained by cold pressing is always a good choice. You will need approximately one quarter ounce of dried herb or flowers for one cup olive oil, or one quarter cup of fresh herbs or petals for one cup of carrier oil. You can put the mixture in a pot and cook for six to eight hours on 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Strain.

It is even easier to simply place this mixture in a mason jar. Close the lid tightly, and make sure to use rubber ring, not metal one. Leave it on full sun for two to three weeks. After straining, pour your oil into some dark glass bottle and remember to label it, with date of filling. It will last for six months, saved on room temperature, away from direct light and heat.

Steam distillation unit is called the still. This type of equipment is very similar to one used for making booze. You can design and make your own equipment, or spend couple of hundreds for smaller units. This equipment make things much quicker and easier, and you will get the largest amount of final product this way. You may use dried of fresh plants here.

When buying or making stills, make sure to use stainless steel and glass parts. Copper is widely used for this purpose, but copper can actually affect your oil's quality, or even change molecular structure. Although steam distillation extracts the largest percentage of oil from plants, you have to be aware of the fat that this process requires large quantities of raw material for producing only a small amount of finished product.

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