Sunday, September 28, 2014

Know What Makes A Good Camera Mount For Motorcycle

By Elsa Noel

Everybody always gets nostalgic about their last memorable ride. There is no better way to relive the past than having it recorded using a suitable camera. Even then, without a good camera mount for motorcycle, you might not be able to capture the occasion, as you would wish to. That is why it is important to know about the different types of these tools available in market together with their benefits and disadvantages.

Helmet mounts usually have straps that can either be tied around the dome, or passed through holes of a headgear. They also have a universal mount on which the camera is attached. An advantage of these is that they allow hands free coverage since they change direction of focus with the deflection of the head. They also do not experience vibration problems hence scenes captured in this way are relatively stable.

The downside however comes in when someone who has no experience tries to find the right position for the camera. Since the user cannot watch the recording as it happens, he or she might be unsure whether the camera is pointing at the targets and so it is very likely they might miss catching the opportune moment. At times, some people even forget to switch on the recorder.

Most straps are also not good for heavier video recorders, which might cause overstretch making them to droop. Anyway, when you get the right equipment and do some practice with them, you will soon improve on accuracy. For those who want full and easy reach to the camera during the recording process, a handle bar mount is the thing to go for.

One main problem with handle bar mounts is vibration. A video recorded on a rough road may not be very pleasant to watch. Things get worse if the motorbike engine throb is not well absorbed by the body. If you however have a less shaky engine and are running on a smooth tarmac, this device suits you best.

Mounts that have numerous joints however experience increased vibration. Purchase only reputable and genuine brands to reduce too much vibration, which may cause camera fall or distorted images. People have complained of their cameras being damaged after their poorly manufactured cups lost their grip while in use.

Even when using a genuine one, double check to ensure that the camera and joint screws are tightened properly. Concisely, motorbike mounts just like other gadgets have their downsides. It is good to be aware of these before you purchase any so as to avoid disappointments. Before using them ascertain that the cameras and any other joints are well secured.

It is important you choose a mount that is just the right height for your motorcycle so as to balance the two effects. All types of mounts therefore have their pros and cons. When buying one, ensure you make these and any other considerations to avoid disappointments. Do not also forget to fix your cameras properly on the mounts before use.

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