Sunday, October 12, 2014

Choosing The Right Investors Inventions

By Estelle Larsen

When you want to invent something, some of the things that you must are the intelligent, talent, creativity and the resources. But this is not always the case because some of the greatest inventions in the world have been discovered accidentally. If you are going to invent something, creating and perfecting it are just parts of the first phase.

You still need to make it known to the world so that other people could make use of it. There is the process of getting a patent for it. Afterwards you have to present it to investors inventions so that you will get the financial support that you need to get it on the radar of the public.

There have been many inventions for the past few years. But only some of them made it because the others do not have the necessary funding. The idea that is used to create something is important. But the money that is going to be used to realize the idea is equally important too.

If you are planning on creating something, you also have to think about how you plan on making it big and known. You have to do this not because you want to gain popularity but because you want other people to benefit what you have created. The first step to creating a business plan is knowing the potential people or entities that might help you.

Shoe string investment is the easiest to get. Most of the time, the money will come from loans which you will apply for. But you should know that the money you will have for this is limited only.

Since the money that you have is limited, you need to think of a way to up the marketability of your invention and gain profit. To get the necessary funds that you need you can tap lending agencies for a loan. But credit card companies are also support these kinds of projects so they are a good option as well.

Angel investors are your second option. They are people who are average but successful when it comes to business ventures. It is easy to find an angel investor but the hard part is convincing them that your idea is worth investing in.

If you are going to have a presentation with them. You have to be prepared and have a business plan ready. Although having a contract is a bit premature, it is still essential. The contract that you are going to present is an assurance of the conditions in your relationship in whatever circumstances may happen in the future.

Venture capital is the hardest investment to come by. Not only because they are usually given by major corporations, but also because the finances that they are going to give you will be enough to start mass producing whatever it is that you are creating. They also want a fool proof business plan and they want to know what are the ways for them to get their money back. Since they will be investing on you for several millions at the least, you can expect that they would want to have a say on how you are doing things as well.

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