Thursday, October 16, 2014

Learning New Techniques From A Quilting Blog

By Patty Goff

Creativity comes in many forms and styles. Some people love to paint while others like to build and create things with their hands. Some enjoy sewing, knitting and making garments for their family. Finding a good Quilting Blog can be fun, interesting and very educational in the effort to learn new ways of creating something beautiful.

It is so much more fun when interests are shared with others. Often this is how the very foundation of true and lifelong friendships have been established. Learning skills from each other, discussing ideas and sharing new techniques that increase the quality of your craft provides a common bond, from which new relationships are grown.

At one time, women would meet at their church or perhaps take turns hosting a group at their own homes. They would discuss their latest creations and share with the rest of the group how to implement it into their own designs. This has been an event that is as old as the ages but still remains a very intimate way of building relationships.

These days online communication is abundant. It is somewhat impersonal but is also available to everyone at anytime. Learning skills in a classroom setting was once the way to go. But today with our current technology, one can go online and find a tutorial or training course on just about any subject imaginable. And the greatest thing about it is that it can all be available for review at a later date if a refresher course is needed.

Although communicating on the internet seems a bit impersonal, it really is quite efficient. Especially if the blog is something that is more about teaching a technique. Unlike a classroom or learning one on one, you can go back and review the episode that you need in order to see what may have been missed. This is a great teaching tool and one that is of great help to those who have memory problems.

This provides a level of communication as well. Although it is not up close and personal like a friendship would offer, it does provide the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss the subject at hand. Asking questions and providing feedback is something all bloggers enjoy. They welcome all comments and questions because it shows that what they are doing is of great interest to others.

This is also a great time to take notes for the serious learners. Although past episodes can be reviewed, taking notes of specific learning techniques that are of interest will provide an easy reference guide. Especially if there was something that stood out and was of special interest.

Learning and connecting with other people who share a common interest online is becoming more and more popular. For those of us with career and family obligations, our time seems to be so limited. Following a blogger online who shares your interest and offers advice and new techniques that can improve your craft is very convenient and easy to do.

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