Monday, October 13, 2014

Marketing Strategy By Media Buying Done Right

By Estelle Larsen

Informing the public is the main purpose of the existence of media in the world. People need information and that is what the it is able to provide for them. But through the years it has also become a powerful tool that often brings about change. Most of the time it stands and campaigns for change for the good. There are other times that it is used by manipulative individuals for their own personal gain.

Today, it also became one of the most useful tools in advertising. Since it has a wide reach, businessmen are using this platform to make commercials for their products. The money coming in for from the advertisements are what finances a station or organization to keep going. Which is why media buying New Orleans and in other parts of the world are highly regarded by business owners as a means to increase the marketability of their products.

The terms media buying pertains to the air time allotted for commercials in a broadcast. It can be in television or in the radio. It is also the space where you can see ads in the newspaper or in websites from the internet. These slots are paid by the companies who want to use it for their advertisements.

Buying a slot or time from a broadcast can be very expensive. You still have to organize the whole commercial and make it look as appealing as possible. This alone can cost a lot. And then you also have to include the advertising fees on the pile. If you want to use the media as an advertising tool, you need to make sure that you have the budget for it.

To be certain that your campaign would be successful, you can follow the fail safe steps below. You can use this process as a guide, especially if this is your first time. You would surely get important pointers that you can use.

Your target market should be determined first and foremost. To do this, you need to identify the people who would use your product. And when you have established that, the next thing that you need to do is to research on what their preferences on media maybe. You can use this information in determining which platform you will use to reach your audience.

You need to have goals. These goals are what you should aim to achieve once you already start the campaign. It is important so that you would have a guiding concept on how you would approach the campaign for better effectiveness.

After a goal is established. The next step would be to create a plan. This plan would include the concept and the story board of your advertisement. It is also important that you define the budget that you would allocate for the whole campaign.

Then you can start media buying. Once you have determined the preferred platform of your target market, you can contact some of the people from that platform and strike a deal with them. If you already released the campaign, you should do some evaluation and monitoring to see if the campaign worked.

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