Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Procedure To Having The NYC Violations Removal

By Patty Goff

When winter season ends, you know it is time to do the necessary. If you have a sidewalk ticket from New Yolk City transportation department, you definitely know that it is that time you had to work on your sidewalk. However if you do not know how or where to start, below are some of the steps you have to follow if you have the NYC violations removal ticket.

First, you are required to search for a good contractor who will take you through the whole process. A good contractor to be hired must have extensive experience in this business and must be in possession of legal permits before you engage them on your project. It can be a little bit had to know the most experienced, especially if you are a first timer.

These days there are a lot of them advertising their services online and can be hard to differentiate the good and trusted contractors from the starters. While you are online, you should be able to read through customer testimonials pages, to get customer experience with them. However, you do not have to rely on the testimonials alone as some are stage managed.

Limit your search to cover only your region. While you are on their websites, make sure you understand their services, and also compare their rates and whether they have been in the business for long. It is common knowledge that those who have been in the business for long have the license and the experience as well.

Next, make sure the contractor has all the documents that are required by the law to work on your sidewalk. Also important to give your hired contractor before you start, is your PIR form. If your sidewalk has a tree on it, then the experienced contactor has to contact the forestry department, because they always do not have the power or consent to cut the tree.

There are some situations when the contractor should seek some advice from the forestry department, if your sidewalk has a tree. This is because they do not have the mandate to cut the tree themselves. Cutting it would even worsen the situation. In such situation, a good arborist is needed to help.

For the case of a designated landmark, you will need a different license called the Landmark Property Approval License. Normally the license is gotten from the Landmark Preservation Organization. They offer a very different permit from all others that your contractor might have. When applying for this permit, you are supposed to include the map and the photos of the land that needs to be worked on.

When all these recommendations have been met and approved, the repair process can now commence. The contractor must be able to produce high quality work that will be appealing before the eyes of the transportation company, who will then revoke the violation. Getting a professional contractor saves you money.

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