Sunday, December 21, 2014

Easy Tips To Learn How To Get Rid Of Voles And Moles

By Leonard Hungerford

The small mammals that live in your garden soil can prove a major nuisance as they eat plants and destroy the landscape. How to get rid of voles and moles needs a specific assessment of the rodent that has invaded the property and the most suitable mole and vole elimination method. Getting rid of voles and moles from your garden is entirely possible if they correct measures are taken.

A vole is a tiny animal that appears similar to a field mouse. They form tunnels near the top layers of soil running downwards into the ground. These creatures snack on grass, roots, bulbs, young bark ... and therefore you are most likely to have these in the yard where you notice extended lines or burrows running through the lawn. These tiny mammals are good at hiding and you are unlikely to come close to see one.

The mole can burrow deep into the ground and form tunnels to reach plant bulbs and insects. A sure sign of a mole infestation include the sight of excavated mounds and soil heaps that form on top of the lawn and look similar to tiny volcanoes. These can also be formed by voles, but to a much smaller extent. Irrespective of which rodent you deal with, you are likely to have several mole and vole holes. It is important to apply elimination techniques that are specific to the animal that has invaded the home.

When it comes to a vole infestation, it is important to take action as soon as possible with natural methods and preventative strategies. A vole colony can cause damage to tree and shrub roots resulting in complete death of the plant and destruction of the landscape. It is important to incorporate methods that are environmentally friendly and will prevent exposing people and pets to toxins.

The lawn area must be kept weed free and any form of plant debris should be removed to prevent creating ideal conditions for voles. One may use traps to catch a vole, mole or field mouse ... which can be effective, though will take some time and knowledge to set up. One may also make use of repellents on the lawn or in the soil to encourage the animals to move on to another home without having to use mole or vole poison. This can be a good method to get rid of field mice, voles and moles.

Moles are recognized as causing a great deal of destruction to the surrounding environment and require protective methods in the facilitation of a healthy landscape. Early morning is the feeding time of moles ... and one method is to places a shovel into the mole or vole hole to cause as much disturbance as possible. These critters are blind and will move very quickly when noise is sensed.

Mole or vole repellents can avoid the use of mole and vole poison and be placed in strategic areas on the lawn to prevent the animals from spreading into the garden. This includes spraying a solutions across the lawn that will cause temporary discomfort to the rodents. The field mice, voles or moles will soon move on to find another area to nest in, but applications should be implemented with precautionary measures.

When it comes to a mole or vole invasion, it is good to consider environmentally friendly methods minimising the amount of mole and vole poison to be used. One should take the time to learn about the management methods available control the expansion of the mole or field mouse colonies. There are numerous environmentally friendly options that can be sought to better protect the environment and still remove the rodents effectively from the garden.

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