Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Getting A Window Box Cincinnati Home Owners Can Use For Decorating

By Dennis Hall

Decorating the outside of your house can take on a specialized look if you take advantage of a popular way of growing things. A window box Cincinnati home owners like can be used for your home. This makes it easy to have beautiful things inside and outside of your home in a balanced way.

There any number of locations where these boxes can be found. Online, where you can find anything, is one place. Home improvement stores is a good place, as well as hardware and garden centers. You can find them already assembled and also plans for building a simple one at garden centers and many of the other locations the assembled ones are. A good many of these can also be found at yard sales and second hand stores. Many others have been fabricated from old plant hangers and work just as well standing or bolted to the sill.

Most of these window boxes are simply made from throw away material or spare lumber. Some of them are fabricated out of other containers. Wooden crates, boxes and even plastic tubs or bins can be pressed into service as a decorating resource. There is no lack of things that can be used for this and, again, your imagination is your guide. Many people take hanging planters and mount these instead of building another one.

Most boxes of this type are placed, or attached, in windows. That is where they get their name. You will find that many plants have varying requirements for sunlight. Some need a lot, others only a few minutes per day. This makes it possible to have one of these in just about every window you have.

Most of these boxes are attached, firmly, to an outside sill. This is so they do not fall out and to assist in holding the weight that most of them will have. Since most of them stay attached, year round, they should be treated as part of the house for cleaning and painting purposes.

The plantings that can be in these helpful containers can be anything you wish to place in them. Anything that can fit has been put in these by many people. You may have herbs that are used in the kitchen in one right outside the kitchen window. There may then be flowers or some other beautiful things outside a bedroom, family room or dining area.

The simple gardening rules to follow will be the same as in your garden in the back yard. You need soil, seeds or starter plants and a caring soul. You will be able to take care of these plants, herbs or whatever simply by standing at the window. Watering can be as easy as making sure the rain gets to them.

The level of nutrients must be verified, as usual. This can be done with simple tests available from any garden center or county extension service. You can find what grows the best in these by discussing your needs at any garden center with knowledgeable staff members. Plants have a good effect on the environment and you are doing your part for beautifying the neighborhood.

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