Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What Makes Many People Consider Gucci Products As The Best?

By Gary Roberts

Many designers as people all know like prestige, and so they up their prices simply because they can. Rich people also like showing off their riches by shopping for the most expensive things and have the satisfaction that no one else can afford it but them. This is a mind problem that designers seems to profit from taking advantage of their customers they know well cannot live without purchasing Gucci products.

Each year new designs are made and some people are always willing to pay a higher price to get the products. Designers sometime make very few of this to promote clients spending a lot of money for the limited products. This makes the customers who get this products feel special and have that feeling of not many people will wear that same design.

Every businessperson loves to make many profits but this is not always the case for designers. They put a lot of time on constantly trying to come up with new designs in their work, which does not always come cheap given the materials, the cost of production, and selling of the final goods. The customer usually pays for the business expenses incurred such as ads on television and high rated magazines.

There is competition in the fashion world with different designers and trends coming up every day. Therefore, every designer needs to make a name for themselves and by doing so they spend lots and lots of money to remain relevant in the industry.

Materials used in the production of these products for instance silk, which is not readily available everywhere are what make it exceptional and expensive. Other brands make products that are made of cheap material that is locally and easily available. Because of this, their products tend to be of low quality compared to this other brand which is durable.

Label and status are so important to some people hence they are willing to pay more for that. If everyone could wear the same product then it would lose its meaning. Famous people wear these designs and a lot of people who look up to them want to wear what they wear to identify with them. This only means more money for the designers and they would fight tooth and nail to remain in that position.

Shipping costs are always added in the last price of the commodity in order to realize profits. For customers who are willing to buy, incur the costs regardless of the price. Invention of new designs will always cost more due to new ideas. Despite the reflected prices, people still consider this and ideal choice since it offers them the worth of their money.

The demand for these products makes them attractive because of their reputation, which makes many people willing to purchase at whatever cost. The desire to own these products determine their selling price. Very many rich clients are willing and able to afford to satisfy their desires.

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