Saturday, April 9, 2016

What You Should Know When Attending Episcopal Christian Churches In Las Vegas

By Sharon Cooper

Attending church services is respected by many people. At times, you might attend a different church. Visiting a new church may feel a bit odd and nerve-racking. It is good to be able to relax and feel at home whenever you visit an Anglican church. Here are some of the things you need to bear in mind as you attend Episcopal Christian churches in Las Vegas

Arriving, getting settled and being ready for the service. Coming on time is crucial. Ushers will welcome you and give you service leaflets which will guide you throughout the service. The greeters will show you where to sit though you can choose your seat. Apart from the leaflets, you will find hymn books placed in racks next to each seat. Supplemental music books will also be available. Some music will be sung before the service commence.

Prayers of the community, sermons, readings and statements of faith, as the service commences readings are gotten from the Gospels, the New Testament and the Old Testament. The first two readings are done by the members of the assembly. The whole congregation sings the psalms thereafter. The bulletins given contain psalms. The leaflets will show you where the songs are found in the songbooks and prayer books. The gospel sermon is then preached by the cleric. The prayer of the people and the Nicene Creed follows with each person on feet.

Collecting gift, music is either played or sung at this point as money is being collected. The offering is assign of worship and supporting the poor. You can give any amount you have. It is not a must that you offer. At times, people lack and do not have to give. Bread and wine are then brought to the table along with the money collected. Liturgical ministers then set the communion table.

Everyone should be on his or her feet as the Eucharistic prayer commences. An overseer will pray a lengthy prayer. This section ends with the hymns from the liturgy. You can decide to either remain standing or kneel when the Sanctus is over. The Holy, holy, holy, song is the then sung by the entire congregation. The Lords Prayer then follows it. The leader then cut bread into smaller pieces and welcomes everybody to dine.

The assembly moves forward to receive the Holy Communion. You can choose to remain standing or go on your knees as you wish. Nevertheless, you will be reminded what to do by the ushers. The communion is meant for only those who have undergone baptism. But it is not a must to take it. You can either remain seated or move frontward. The priest will, however, bless those who will not take part.

Giving thanks and being sent forth. After the communion, everyone stands to say a prayer on the leaflet. The priest will then ask God to bless everyone. The last song is then sung by everyone as the liturgical ministers get out. The deacon or the priest releases the congregation by sending them to the world.

Churches are different. However majority of the Anglican Churches follow this order. Therefore, ensure that you get to know what is expected of you as you visit a new church. This will help you evade unnecessary embarrassments.

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